Il 07/06/2015 13:00, Fabio Fantoni ha scritto:
> Il 03/10/2014 18:31, Michal Suchanek ha scritto:
>> Hello,
>> thanks for your quick replies.
>> Excerpts from Maximiliano Curia's message of Fri Oct 03 16:55:01 +0200 2014:
>>> ¡Hola Michal!
>>> El 2014-10-03 a las 14:06 +0000, Michal Suchanek escribió:
>>>> after finally running cinnamon I tried to open a terminal (evilvte) and
>>>> cinnamon immediately crashed. I tried restarting it grom that fallback mode
>>>> dialog but it crashed immediately again. Closing the terminal window 
>>>> allowed
>>>> cinnamon to be restarted. I suspected evilvte is in some way truly evil and
>>>> kills cinnamon but I created a new folder on the desktop, opened it, and
>>>> cinnamon crashed again when the file manager window opened.
>>> In the attached xsession-errors file I see a weird sequence of actions, and
>>> I'm not sure if the output is mixed with some other session.
>>> Can you please copy the file before trying to start a failing application?
>> I attach a file befor and after crash.
>> It seems metacity is used in fallback session and gnome panel is used
>> also either in main or fallback session.
>> Hence they run in the crashed session and without them cinnamon fails
>> completely when an error occurs.
>>> So we can see the output generated by the failing application (just the
>>> difference pasted in would be ideal).
>>>> Xsession: X session started for root at Fri Oct  3 14:00:41 UTC 2014
>>> It's highly disrecommended to use a graphical session as root.
>> I know about that. It however does not make any meaningful difference
>> for single user system unless I were to create a separate user account
>> for every application.
>>>> W: [pulseaudio] main.c: This program is not intended to be run as root 
>>>> (unless --system is specified).
>>>> (cinnamon:2324): St-CRITICAL **: st_widget_get_theme_node called on the 
>>>> widget [0xb9150658] which is not in the 
>>>> stage.
>>>>       JS LOG: Invalid network device type, is 14
>>>> *********************************WARN_ONCE*********************************
>>>> File ../../../../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/radeon/radeon_swtcl.c 
>>>> function r100_swtcl_flush line 339
>>>> Rendering was 1 commands larger than predicted size. We might overflow  
>>>> command buffer.
>>>> ***************************************************************************
>>>> drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -22. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command 
>>>> stream. See dmesg for more info.
>>>> x-session-manager[2172]: WARNING: Application 'cinnamon.desktop' killed by 
>>>> signal 15
>>> I think the video driver you are using is dying when the composite manager
>>> tries to start.
>> It's dying at the time a window opens. Is starting a compositing manager
>> delayed until that point?
>> Either way, it looks like Mesa sends something unintelligible to the
>> GPU.
>> They talked about reworking and adding some new features to r100 so
>> maybe there is an awesome new bug there.
>>>>       JS LOG: About to start Cinnamon
>>>>       JS LOG: Cinnamon started at Fri Oct 03 2014 14:01:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
>>>> (cinnamon:2421): St-CRITICAL **: st_widget_get_theme_node called on the 
>>>> widget [0xba07c670] which is not in the 
>>>> stage.
>>>>       JS LOG: Invalid network device type, is 14
>>>> drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -22. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command 
>>>> stream. See dmesg for more info.
>>> Mmh, and it also dies in the fallback mode.
>>>> x-session-manager[2172]: WARNING: App 'cinnamon.desktop' respawning too 
>>>> quickly
>>>> x-session-manager[2172]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. 
>>>> Sorry....
>>> That's the end of the cinnamon session.
>>>> (gnome-panel:2437): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode: 
>>>> assertion 'accelerator != NULL' failed
>>> I don't know why you are running gnome-panel, but that's not cinnamon 
>>> related.
>>> So, this seems to be another desktop environment session, did you start it 
>>> or
>>> was automatically started?
>> It starts automagically when cinnamon fails.
>>> Can you please let us know if you can use any composite window manager at 
>>> all?
>> Presumably I am running a compositing manager because xcompmgr refuses
>> to start on the excuse that a compositing manager is running.
>> Is metacity doing compositing?
>>> Also, there are no traces of evitvte or the file manager failing in this 
>>> log.
>> They aren't really failing. They just open a window that makes cinnamon
>> crash and keep running.
>> The file manager is running anyway so there would be no trace of it in the 
>> log.
>> Thanks
>> Michal
> Can someone test with cinnamon 2.6 please? Cinnamon and muffin have
> commits with fix/improvements probably related.

I'm unable to reproduce crashes in recent cinnamon builds.
If I understand/remember good about bug reported here was solved
upstream but is possible that may still occur with some video card/driver.
I tried with integrate intel video card.
Can someone try cinnamon 2.6.12-1 (and all other components updated) in
sid and report if still happen?
If still happen and you have nvidia or ati card can you try also both
open source and proprietary drivers if possibile to see if change something?

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