Control: tag -1 + pending

Mike Hommey:
> Attached here is two files that can be compared directly, exposing the
> same problem. That's essentially the output of tar --full-time -tvf on
> both tarballs from the original bug report.
> The following patch fixes the numbering issue:
> […]

Commited, thanks. The bug was around since the very first version of
the current HTML presenter code!

> However, there's another issue, that the diff is actually incomplete:
> the right hand side stops 3 lines too early.

I've fixed this as well.  The 'lines skipped' message was not written
when we were skipping lines at the end of the diff.

Lunar                                .''`.                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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