
as promised a short status update:

There have been quite some changes upstream-wise, but unfortunately it still
doesn't build with current gcc version found in unstable(see TLDR about the

Amd I've been once again accounted to do the upstream release...

So with my upstream hat on: I'd very much like to stay FAUmachine in the
archive, however with my DM hat, I think it's best to remove the binary
packages for now to not block anything.

Are you OK with this plan and/or do you have good advice for me?


FAUmachine uses a forked version of qemu to build a just-in-time compiler. The
idea from Fabrice Bellard is brilliant: Code the emulation of assembly
instructions in C and let gcc produce binary code for it. Then use a script to
mange this binary code to be usable as input as basic blocks for the

Unfortunately, at this script is highly dependent on the produced assembly code
(e.g. just one return instruction per function) and this usually breaks with
every new gcc version :(.

This results in the current build breakage, and while this has been fixed for
the gcc version in stable, breakage occurs with the current gcc version in

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