On 10/13/19 8:16 PM, Stanley Pinchak wrote:
> I recently upgraded avrdude from debian version 6.3-5.  After 
> upgrading I was unable to use my default programmer, arduino-ft232r 
> without setting a -P port parameter on the command line.  Upstream 
> patch 8580 modified ft245r.c to allow selection of a particular ftdi 
> device based on the serial number of the device. Unfortunately this 
> patch has broken the ability for avrdude to automatically select the 
> first ftdi port for ft245r devices, which include arduino-ft232r.

This feature was introduced with upstream[0] svn commit 1415. Please
engage the upstream development project and explain the problem and
possible solutions. In the meantime I'm setting severity of this bug
report to wishlist and tagging it as an upstream issue.


[0] http://svn.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/avrdude?view=revision&revision=1415

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