Hi, Alexis,

Thanks for your advice! :)

> You should probably add a prefix to packages names to avoid cluttering
> the package namespace.
> For example:
> libprint0        => libukui-print0
> backgroundserver => ukui-backgroundserver
> Same for the underlying binaries if they don't have "ukui" in their name.
> The rationale is to avoid too generic names that could already exist or
> better suitted to more common tools.
> For example, "libsubversion0" would better be the name of a package for
> SVN implementation (actually, the subversion source package use the name
> of libsvn1 for its binary library package).
I have renamed those packages and binaries, and upload it to the mentors, :)

> Also, maybe add a meta package that depends on all these package with
> Depends, Recommends or Suggests as appropriate so someone that want ukui
> only have to select one package instead of all parts of it. (This
> package would be an equivalent to, say, kde-standard for KDE).Since it's 
> mainly used to be a library, the developer only needs add the 
> correspondinglibfoo-dev to the build-depends to use the corresponding 
> functions. So maybe it'sno need to add a meta package?

Thanks again!handsome_feng

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