Same for me. Trying around it seems this can be addressed on the user side by 
rebuilding in the index:

cppman std::unique_ptr
error: no such table: cppreference.com_keywords
cppman --rebuild-index
cppman std::unique_ptr

if I understand correctly, rebuilding the index fills 
Comparing the /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cppman/lib/index.db (from the 
package) with the one in $HOME/.cache,
I see that the table `cppreference.com_keywords` table is present in 
$HOME/.cache and missing in /usr

Could it be the sqlite db in /usr is incorrectly packaged?

I quickly tired (to see if this can be addressed on the packaging side):
 - rm /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cppman/lib/index.db
 - cp $HOME/.cache/cppman/index.db 
 - chown root:root /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cppman/lib/index.db
 - chmod 644 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cppman/lib/index.db
 - mv $HOME/.cache/cppman $HOME/.cache/cppman.bak

after this (i.e. replacing the shipped index.db with the newly generated one 
and removing my user cache) cppman works
as expected for me.

Hope that helps fixing the issue (be it the maintainers or users).


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