Control: reopen -1
Control: tags -1 + confirmed patch

Thank you for opening this bug.
Until now I was waiting on chromium but I have to realize my bug may be due to 
their stuff but I need to more on.
For now I managed right now to reproduce the bug on i386 using:

- docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
- docker run -v $PWD:/app --workdir /app --rm i386/debian:bookworm /bin/bash

And installing all the tooling and stuff.

Then I get "selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: 
session deleted because of page crash"

It seems like the crash goes away if I send the keys line by line and not all 
the text at once.
Maybe a memory issue of some type.

        for line in Simpsons.split('\n'):
            import_area.send_keys(line + "\n")


To be continued :)

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