
I am upset that you again raised the severity without consulting anyone. The 
package as it stands is DFSG free and the getweb script is there for the 
convenience of the users as well as the documentation. Your arguments haven't 
changed my opinion. However, it doesn't look like we are finding an agreement 
on this issue. I have pinged the release team on IRC for a statement, but 
maybe this issue deserves some attention from another body of debian.
Therefore, I suggest we write up a paragraph for the TC following their 

My proposal would be:

Dear TC members

Bug #449497 has reported against foo2zjs. The maintainers and the submitter do 
not seem to reach an agreement. The problem is as follows. The submitter sees 
the inclusion of the getweb script as a violation of the DFSG. The script is 
provided by upstream to download non-free firmware from his upstream webpage. 
The package includes documentation in README.Debian and a GUI interface 
(hannah-foo2zjs) around the getweb script for the user's convenience. Some 
printers need this non-free firmware to run, others don't.
More information can be found in the bugreport. Could we please ask you to 
settle this dispute?

Do you concur with this paragraph or would you like to add any adjustments? 
Please keep them as technical as possible. Once we can agree on such a 
paragraph, I am happy to send it to the committee, CC you and keep a copy in 
the BTS.


[0]: http://www.debian.org/devel/tech-ctte

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