I understand that you don't agree with the bug being grave. The point is
that I use it mainly for watching TV.
This is practically not possible anymore now since the VDR playback
breaks on every channel switch due to xdg-screensaver hogging the audio
handle. For that usage it is definately a grave bug because it rendered
my main application useless.
I know this may not affect all users, but I also find it a bit harsh to
say a bug is clearly not grave just because one is mainly using a xine
plugin that has been effectively broken now.

Just as a remark regarding your intended fix: I haven't yet seen the
place where xine does a wait() or waitpid() for those forked childs to
clean up the zombies. If there is a place, ok, I just havn't seen it

If I startup the XVDR plugin, I see three pid's of xdg-screensaver. Upon
each TV channel switch, there's one more. They also don't seem to
terminate, so the list is growing. Aren't they supposed to just signal a
"suspend" and then terminate themselves?


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