1. Part 1: workaround:

After installing the mozilla-thunderbird-locale-es package (which
does not set mozilla menus in Spanish, but they remain in default
English), I have done the following:

- I have downloaded the "thunderbird.1.0.es-ES.langpack.xpi" file
  from "nave.hispalinux.es" site, and installed it in thunderbird
  (as a thunderbird extension)

- After restarting thunderbird, now it is in Spanish

Note however that this workaround only works for your current
user (I think it installs the extension info in your
~/.mozilla-thunderbird/ directory).

Therefore it is not a valid system-wide solution: if you want to
translate thunderbird into Spanish for all user(s) you need to
run this workaround for each one.

2. Part 2: comment on the workaround:

In addition to comments stated before I have also noticed the

Uninstalling (and purging) mozilla-thunderbird-locale-es package,
and cleaning (deleting) my user's ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/ dir.
(so I can start from scratch), I have tried to install the
above extension. However now it does not work.

Therefore, in order to translate thunderbird into Spanish I have
checked that both packages must be installed:

- debian's mozilla-thunderbird-locale-es package
- thunderbird.1.0.es-ES.langpack.xpi extension (per user)

It seems both 'packages' are complementing to each other ??

I think this is not the intended behaviour, so please correct the
mozilla-thunderbird-locale-es package.

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