2014-04-09 13:32 GMT-03:00 Sven Bartscher <

> On Tue, 08 Apr 2014 23:10:13 -0300
> converge <conve...@jplab.com.br> wrote:
> > The point is: is all this effort pointing to the future of linux
> > desktop, or is it just some workaround to try to make users a bit happy
> > for now ?
> >
> > The truth is that linux still doesn't have a competidor for windows and
> > mac window manager and we should care about it.
> Sorry. I can't really agree with you. When I compare KDE to the Windows
> window manager I don't see any points for windows. I see that this is a
> matter of taste. But saying it's not a competitor is something I can't
> agree with.
> I can't really say anything about Mac, because I never used it.

To me it is very clear that KDE looks greater than Windows and XFCE.
I showed my notebook with KDE to many Windows users at work, and they say
it looks better than Windows.

My father doesn't have experience with computers, he only use it for Office
and Internet. I suggested him to switch to Linux and he agreed. So I wiped
out Windows from his computer and put Debian Wheezy with KDE. He started
using it with almost no need to teach him. Later he told me that Dolphin is
far superior than Windows Explorer. He uses Debian for almost a year now,
never complained, never asked for help.

Do you guys think he would feel such comfort if I installed Gnome or XFCE
on his computer? Of course not. Even I don't get comfortable with Gnome or
XFCE, and I really tried.

To me, KDE is the default desktop environment. It doesn't matter which
desktop environment is the default for Debian.

William Ivanski

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