Package: dchanges
Version: 3.4

If dchanges finds an old style file name, it gives the following messages:

Deb file ok: libelf-dev_0.5.2-1_i386.deb
Deb file ok: libelf_0.5.2-1_i386.deb
WARNING: old style file name: libelf-0.5.2-1.tar.gz
          should be: libelf_0.5.2-1.deb
WARNING: old style file name: libelf-0.5.2-1.diff.gz
          should be: libelf_0.5.2-1.diff.gz
File ok: libelf_0.5.2-1.changes
2 warning(s) - hit return to continue

The problem with .tar.gz can be fixed by applying the following (trivial :)

--- dchanges.old        Wed Jul 31 20:56:47 1996
+++ dchanges    Wed Jul 31 20:57:36 1996
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
       if [ "$TAR_FN" = "${SOURCE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" ]
        stderr  "WARNING: old style file name: ${TAR_FN}"
-       warning "          should be: ${SOURCE}_${VERSION}.deb"
+       warning "          should be: ${SOURCE}_${VERSION}.tar.gz"
        stderr "ERROR: Source file incorrectly named: $TAR_FN"
        error  "       expected ${SOURCE}_${VERSION}.tar.gz"

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