retitel 449205 ITP: otf-stix -- the Scientific and Technical Information
owner !

I've investigated a current status of MathML support and
I'd like to upload a package of STIX fonts.

At present, we have latex-xft-fonts, xfonts-mathml, 
ttf-mathematica4.1 for MathML but with iceweasel (>=3.0), 
they don't have any good (nor bad?) effects on rendering of 
MathML as far as I know.

So, in the first place, I think it is wrong or meaningless 
that iceweasel suggests these fonts.

With stix beta fonts, iceweasel (>=3.0) seems to display 
MathML well to some extent.  But an upstream document says 
they are yet only a subset of future release version.  
Further and unfortunately, it is too late to ship stix fonts 
in lenny.  So, in short, iceweasel couldn't support MathML 
in lenny.

Anyway, I already packaged stix beta fonts and will soon 
upload it to experimental.

If I misunderstand anything or some of you know much more
information, please let me know.

Regards,                        2008-12-15(Mon)

 Debian Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <kohda AT>
 Department of Math., Univ. of Tokushima

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