Hi all,

I got a request from Jim Meyering (gnu maintainer shellutils, textutils,
fileutils etc.) whether or not he could get the bug-reports filed against
his packages.

I asked Ian J. about this but he couldn't come up with something more than
adding the mainstream maintainer in the maintainer field.  He said that
isn't a good suggestion and I think that it isn't as well.

Nevertheless I think that we can solve this by Adding an optional field
to the Source part of the new control file: Upstream or Upstream-Maintainer
with his/her preferred mail adress and optionally the name of the
Maintainer.  Sometimes it is difficult to point to the upstream maintainer
because it is a large group of people.  If this Upstream-Maintainer field
exists the bug report system should add an small informative message to the
bugreport and sent it to the Upstream-Maintainer.

Opinions? Suggestions? Anyone? Ian?


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