
I've been looking for a brief description on how to get a workstation with a debian derivate (here mx-/av-linux) to act like a normal debianedu workstation with home directories, user login to ldap, etc.

As I didn't find anything, started with installing tasksel and
education-tasks. Then started tasksel and chose 'Debian Edu networked workstation packages'.
for ldap server I chose 'ldap://'
defaultsearchbase "dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
real for Kerberos 'goKrbRealm'
kerberos server for realm ''
administration server for realm ''

Am I right so far?

next should be name resolving services, but which to choose?

Any hints on this an on the upcoming next parameters?

Would be nice, if defaults matching for tjener were offered.

Kind regards

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