Good day,

We have a number of job openings related to a business providing
a decentralised solution to authentication in beautiful Munich,
Germany, though working remotely is a possibility.

While none of the jobs are directly related to Debian, I'd be
willing to bet that the cause of the project (decentralised
authentication) should align with the values of a significant number
of people here, so in case you are looking for a new challenge, here
are a couple ideas:

We're a relatively young startup currently negotiating a larger
investment round and hence looking to grow our team.

Our product is decentralised authentication, i.e. an authentication
framework leased to services, which allows these providers to
granularly specify n-factor authentication requirements. For us,
authentication goes beyond passwords and even 2FA, as our approach
is designed to handle pretty much *any* data or process that can be
verified in one way or another.

When interacting with a Keyp-enabled service provider, users fulfill
the authentication requirements through a slick mobile or browser
app, while specialised third-party providers handle the actual
verification. Trust in these providers is bestowed by the service
providers who are the ones caring about the authenticity of the data
they require. The user is the one who remains in control over what
to share with whom. And it's designed to work offline and with the
IoT in mind.¹

For full disclosure: I'm co-founder of this business. Please feel
free to ask me anything, or write to (reply-to set).

Looking forward to hearing from you!

¹) If I also mentioned blockchain now, then I'd win at buzzword
bingo. Though we are exploring one specific way in which the
blockchain could be of great utility to our mission.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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