Package: live-build
Version: 1:20190311
Severity: wishlist

The LinuxCNC live build provide a splash SVG with a few more strings
that are replaced at build time.  The currently used SVG can be found in
It would be great if these strings could be inserted by the official
live-build scripts, so the project did not have to use a patched
binary_syslinux.  This is the patch in question.  It was created by Andy
Pugh back in 2020.

--- binary_syslinux?inline=false        2022-07-21 08:24:47.290238867 +0200
+++ patches/binary_syslinux     2022-07-21 08:02:59.462562152 +0200
@@ -257,6 +257,11 @@
                        -e "s|@LIVE_BOOT_VERSION@|${_LIVE_BOOT_VERSION}|g" \
                        -e "s|@LIVE_CONFIG_VERSION@|${_LIVE_CONFIG_VERSION}|g" \
                        -e "s|@LIVE_TOOLS_VERSION@|${_LIVE_TOOLS_VERSION}|g" \
+                       -e "s|@LB_ISO_APPLICATION@|${LB_ISO_APPLICATION}|g" \
+                       -e "s|@LB_ISO_PREPARER@|${LB_ISO_PREPARER}|g" \
+                       -e "s|@LB_ISO_PUBLISHER@|${LB_ISO_PUBLISHER}|g" \
+                       -e "s|@LB_ISO_VOLUME@|${LB_ISO_VOLUME}|g" \
+                       -e "s|@LB_LINUX_PACKAGES@|${LB_LINUX_PACKAGES}|g" \

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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