On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 10:19:11AM +1000, Trent W. Buck wrote:
> On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 05:39:07PM +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> > On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 09:48:45AM -0400, John Reese wrote:
> >> Marco Amadori wrote:
> >>> ssh wise, Ubuntu's choice is more secure, because it disallows ssh
> >>> logins if the local console user did not provide a new password.
> >>>
> >>> I think that using a NULL password like ubuntu do and providing
> >>> both an interactive way to change it and a boot parameter could
> >>> be the way I would like to have the user password managed.
> >>>
> >>> That way we could have a more secure default image approach, a
> >>> secure personal use approach and the ability to set a password
> >>> easely at build time.
> >>
> >> I have to agree with this.  I really like the Ubuntu approach to
> >> securing the root/default users, and I'd like to put my support
> >> behind making this behavior the preferred method.
> >
> > A user has to install ssh explicitly, anyway.  But what happens when
> > that "secure" user installs a service that doesn't care about empty
> > passwords?
> What kind of user?
> - An end user running the default Debian Live system; changing the
>   /cow which will be lost on boot.
> - A similar end user running a customized Live system created by an
>   (intermediary) lh user; or
> - An (intermediary) lh user, creating a Live system with on-by-default
>   attackable services like ssh and httpd?

That user has installed them and should know how to secure them. Almost
all httpd provide only read-only information by default.

> It seems to me that these cases are fundamentally different, and
> should be considered separately.

Fine. And just to remind you that openssh-server is not installed by

Now that we mentioned httpd: here are some useful bits from my

My apache hook: Usually I have a separate hook for each task. But this
one gre a bit larger than usual:

################################ Begin config/chroot_local-hooks/apache

# generate a certificate for apache.
# FIXME: This one should really be done at runtime. Anyone can know the
# "secret" key of this server. And I have no hope of using the real host 
# name before boot.
# But until I figure how to run things on runtime, let's generate a 
# "static" certificate:

#export RANDFILE=/dev/random; 
#mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl
#openssl req $@ -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out
/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem \ 
#   -keyout /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem

# [The snippet above has been replaced by a single certificate I have 
# generated once. Needless to say you should not consider this secure. 
# Thus you cannot really protect from a man-in-the-middle attack. But 
# what would you expect from a live CD? :-) ]

# the default apache site has a NameVirtualHost for all ports.
# I want to add a different one for port 443. And I don't need it
# anyway:
a2dissite default
a2ensite default80

# Enable ssl:
a2enmod ssl

# Enable mod_proxy for ajaxterm:
a2enmod proxy_http

# Make sure apache is started by default:
sed -i 's/^NO_START=.*/NO_START=0/' /etc/default/apache2
################################ End config/chroot_local-hooks/apache

As you can see, apache does not run by default. Apache is also takes
some effort to create an SSL site.

Here is something the reduces security a bit as it allows remote users to 
get an information about installed software), but then again, what do I
have to hide? ;-)

On the other hand it exposes all the great documentation (and has
encourged me to contribute more documentation and make it available
through debian-doc).

################################ Begin config/chroot_local-hooks/dwww_permit

# allow anyone to browse the documentation on the CD:
sed -i '/allow/s/from .*/from all/' /etc/apache2/conf.d/dpkg-www
################################ End config/chroot_local-hooks/dwww_permit

I also have some useful documentation on the CD. Thus I want to expose
it as well:

######### Begin config/chroot_local-includes/etc/apache2/conf.d/live_media.conf
# Make the content of the CD available for apache under
# http://server/media

Alias /media /live_media
<Directory /live_media>
        Options Indexes MultiViews
######### End config/chroot_local-includes/etc/apache2/conf.d/live_media.conf

I also permit access through ajaxterm. This is why I had to enable SSL.
Though ajaxterm seems to be quite dead and maybe it is time to package
anyterm. The configuration I use is basically the one included in the
current package in Lenny.

Allow web-based access to the IRC support channel. Sadly nobody really
uses this. Uses the package cgiirc:

################## Begin config/chroot_local-includes/etc/cgiirc/cgiirc.config
# CGI:IRC configuration file.
# Check /usr/share/doc/cgiirc/examples/cgiirc.config.full.gz
# for more details.
# Take care about applying debian-specific settings like
# `image_path' if you intend to just copy it!

default_server = irc.freenode.net
default_port = 6667
default_channel = #my-channel
default_name = CGI:IRC User

# Don't change these, they're specific to Debian:
image_path = /images/cgiirc
# -----------------------------------------------

script_nph = nph-irc.cgi
script_form = client-perl.cgi
script_login = irc.cgi

ip_access_file = ipaccess
################## End config/chroot_local-includes/etc/cgiirc/cgiirc.config

This should not make the CD an open IRC proxy, as I limit it to one
specific channel (by default).

               Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755              jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+972-50-7952406           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tzafrir

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