A Place in the Sun Live wants to speak to agents, developers and service
providers who continue to believe in the UK’s overseas property market and want
to position themselves for the inevitable upturn.

We recognise current trading conditions make investing in an exhibition stand
at A Place in the Sun Live a serious commitment; we are equally committed to
making this live event work for all our exhibitor partners by delivering them a
serious audience and supporting them editorially through A Place in the Sun
magazine before, during and after our NEC show.

A Place in the Sun Live has always attracted a strong audience of motivated
buyers – over 9,000 at our London show in April this year - and we will deliver
them again. Our marketing efforts to ensure we get consumers to the NEC are
stronger and more targeted than ever before and include: 

- Display advertising campaign in the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday 

- Promotional trails after A Place in the Sun on Channel 4 in September 

- Ticket offer sent to 145,000 overseas property enquirers on Rightmove 

- Ticket offer and banner campaign to thousands of Property Index users 

- Display advertising and online campaigns in the Birmingham Mail, Coventry
Telegraph, Leicester Mercury, Nottingham Evening Post and six other Midlands

- A full online promotional programme, including a two month campaign with
Teletext Holidays 

- Promotional campaign across A Place in the Sun magazine and 

- PR campaign and prize giveaways in national and regional newspapers 

And we want these visitors to know just what products and services our
exhibitors will be promoting before they arrive at the event. We offer our
exhibitors editorial coverage – properties, prices and what stand you are on -
in the pre-show issue of A Place in the Sun magazine as well as extended
editorial in our highest-selling show issue available at the NEC. Further
support comes in the Show Guide given free to all visitors.

Crucially this coverage continues post-show with an NEC report in issue 74 of A
Place in the Sun magazine providing another editorial opportunity for readers to
know you and your business.

Our next live event at Birmingham's NEC is now just 6 weeks away, from 2nd to
4th October. If you are interested in finding out how our nationally-marketed
and Channel 4 promoted live event can deliver a commercial return for you,
complete the brief enquiry form here -

Alternatively call Jon Keen on +44 (0) 20 3207 2920 or email


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