Re: Programas de Debian a RH6

1999-09-23 Thread J. Ivan Juanes Prieto
El dia Tue, Sep 22, 1998 at 11:52:58PM +0200, Lucky tuvo a bien escribir: Como puedo utilizar programas que estan en paquetes de Debian en una Red Hat ? alien --to-rpm paquete.deb -- Absolutely nothing should be concluded from these figures except that no conclusion can be drawn from them. (By

Re: Staroffice para todos ls users

1999-09-23 Thread J. Ivan Juanes Prieto
El dia Tue, Sep 22, 1998 at 11:57:06PM +0200, Lucky tuvo a bien escribir: He hecho la instalación del StarOffice 5.1 con el Root peò quiero que lo puedan usar todos los usuarios. Como lo tengo que hacer? ./setup /net -- On Wed, 16 Oct 1996, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote: I've personally used

Orígenes de Debian

1999-09-23 Thread Barbwired
Tengo entendido que Debian fué gestada por el matrimonio Murdock (Deborah + Ian). ~~~ ~~~ Como ahora está tan de moda el tema de la mujer en el mundo técnico estoy elaborando una pequeña historia de mujeres célebres en la comunidad Linux y busco información sobre cómo participó


1999-09-23 Thread Vicen
El martes 21 septiembre de 1999 a las 20:00:34, Jon Noble dijo: Hola, On mar, 21 sep 1999 14:25:26 you wrote: ¿Alguien sabe de qué paquete depende esta librería?, Me la pide el setiathome... ¿Me podíais decir qué forma había (si es que la hay) de averiguar a qué pertenece cualquier

Re: Programas de Debian a RH6

1999-09-23 Thread TooMany
On Tue, Sep 22, 1998 at 11:52:58PM +0200, Lucky wrote: Como puedo utilizar programas que estan en paquetes de Debian en una Red Hat ? Utiliza el programa alien para pasar de deb a rpm o vicebersa... -- \|/ \|/ Have a nice day ;-) @'/ ,.

Re: gnome

1999-09-23 Thread José Carlos García Sogo
Miquel wrote: El mié, sep 22, 1999 at 12:01:56 +0200 Hue-Bond va dir: Joder. Me tiro toda la tarde bajando gnome y sus dependencias (de momento paso de apt) y ahora cuando lo ejecuto, qué me encuentro! gnome-session intenta abrir /dev/dsp de

Re: gnome

1999-09-23 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 22 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 16:35:55 +0200, José Carlos García Sogo contaba: A mí también me pasan cosas parecidas con las últimas versiones. Un error que me da frecuentemente es que no encuentra el nombre del servicio CORBA que necesita alguna aplicación. No sé que narices

Re: Linux colgado como un jamón

1999-09-23 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 22 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 22:35:20 +0200, Francisco José Avila Bermejo contaba: Lo mío fue un kernel panic :^) Pues suerte la tuya. Eso es mejor que un cuelg... ;-D No... un kernel panic *es* un cuelgue (que yo sepa!). Quizá tú te refieres a los

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-23 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Hola! No creo que sea un bug del programa, porque el problema es generalizado. En mi sistema no se da. A lo mejor es algo relativo a vuestro sistema de ficheros. ¿Habeis probado con algún otro fichero? # du -k /var/log/lastlog 290/var/log/lastlog # du -b /var/log/lastlog 293752

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-23 Thread Fernando
Xose Manoel Ramos wrote: Hola! No creo que sea un bug del programa, porque el problema es generalizado. En mi sistema no se da. A lo mejor es algo relativo a vuestro sistema de ficheros. ¿Habeis probado con algún otro fichero? # du -k /var/log/lastlog 290/var/log/lastlog # du

A vueltas con el netscape

1999-09-23 Thread UnAided
Epa lista.. ..os cuento mis problemas.. Estoy buscando la versión de netscape 4.* mas estable con el tema del Java, he probado 4.5, 4.06, 4.07 (de slink) y 4.5, 4.08, 4.6, 4.61 (de netscape). Todas fallan mas o menos igual. He leído que los de Red Hat

Re: Linux colgado como un jamón

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Parace que el cuelge por capturar sonido de la tarjeta de idem ya está resuelto. Esto me pasaba con el kernel 2.0.36, pero me he puesto el 2.2.9 y todo parece ir OK. Además, ahora tengo un pingüinito muy chachi que sale al cargar el kernel ;-) --

Re: Linux colgado como un jamón

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Hue-Bond wrote: El martes 21 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 11:21:51 +0200, Francisco José Avila Bermejo contaba: Uso el kernel 2.0.36 y para leer del micro hago algo tan simple como: Bueno, lo del StarOffice ya dije que estaba resuelto, ¿verdad? Actualicé las XFree a la versión 3.3.3.

Más cositas de APT 0:-)

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Vamos a ver, la opción 'remove' del apt-get hace lo mismo que 'dpkg --remove', ¿no? Entonces, para purgar los fichero de configuración, ¿hay que hacer de todas formas 'dpkg --purge'? Me refiero a que no hay forma de hacer esto con 'apt-get' , ¿no? --

Programación de la tarjeta de sonido

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Quiero hacer un programa para trasmitir voz por una LAN. De hecho, ya tengo algo funcionando y es muy divertido :-). El problema con el que me encuentro es el de poder escuchar y hablar a la vez. O sea, fullduplex. ¿Alguien me puede dar información a cerca de ello, o un URL. He estado probando con

No funciona APT con el nuevo kernel?

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Desde que instalé el nuevo kernel 2.2.9, el APT no me funciona. La versión del APT es la El caso es que le digo que instale algo y me pide el CD correspondiente, pero me lo sigue pidiendo hasta el infinito. Es como si metiera otro CD, pero es el bueno. He probado a hacer otra vez lo del


1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Jon Noble wrote: Desde entonces me aparece en los mensajes de arranque, después del fsck esto: ... Mounting local file system... not mounted anything SIOCADDRT: invalid argument SIOCADDRT: invalid argument. Para evitar ese mensaje tienes que eliminar en el fichero

Pregunta sobre APT

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Tengo en el disco unos paquetes que me bajé hace unos dias, y me gustaría saber cómo puedo hacer para instalarlos via APT si no tengo generado el fichero Packages. ¿He de crear dicho fichero? ¿cómo se crea? -- - *

Bug en el login de la slink

1999-09-23 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
Saludos. Por casualidad he descubierto que si en el login, se pulsa flecha de arriba y luego return, a partir de ese momento, la consola aparece curiosa. Los colores no salen y todas las letras están en mayúsculas. ¿Es eso correcto? En mi caso, la salida por pantalla es algo así: debian login:

Re: No funciona APT con el nuevo kernel?

1999-09-23 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, On jue, 23 sep 1999 00:57:47 Francisco José Avila Bermejo wrote: Desde que instalé el nuevo kernel 2.2.9, el APT no me funciona. La versión del APT es la El caso es que le digo que instale algo y me pide el CD correspondiente, pero me lo sigue pidiendo hasta el infinito. Es


1999-09-23 Thread Ricardo Villalba
El otro día me hice un script y unos cuantos enlaces del kde para poder consultar información de paquetes deb a través del kfm. Iba a explicar la manera de hacerlo pero al final lo que he hecho ha sido juntarlo todo en un paquete deb. Si a alguien le interesa lo único que ha de hacer es instalar

RE: Apagado por todos.

1999-09-23 Thread Ricardo Villalba
-Mensaje original- De: Diego Bote Barco [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Fecha: viernes 17 de septiembre de 1999 13:34 Asunto: Apagado por todos. Hola Linuxeros. Os escribo para comentaros una pequeña cuestión. Tengo

Re: Ejecutar un programa

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Lucky wrote: Tengo un CD con programas de Linux que no vienen en paquetes y no se como instalarlos. Los descomprimo con el 'tar' pero despues no se como seguir. Estamos verde, ¿eh? ;-) Donde se instalan? Tendrás que compilarlos. ¿Sabes lo que es un código fuente y un objeto? Pues al

Re: Linux colgado como un jamón

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Hue-Bond wrote: El miércoles 22 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 22:35:20 +0200, Francisco José Avila Bermejo contaba: Lo mío fue un kernel panic :^) Pues suerte la tuya. Eso es mejor que un cuelg... ;-D No... un kernel panic *es* un cuelgue (que yo sepa!). Quizá

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Xose Manoel Ramos wrote: No creo que sea un bug del programa, porque el problema es generalizado. En mi sistema no se da. A lo mejor es algo relativo a vuestro sistema de ficheros. ¿Habeis probado con algún otro fichero? A mi tambíen me pasa, antes con el kernel 2.0.36 y ahora con el 2.2.9,

Re: Programas de Debian a RH6

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Lucky wrote: Como puedo utilizar programas que estan en paquetes de Debian en una Red Hat ? Usa el programa 'alien', para pasar .deb a .rpm. -- - * Real programmers do: cat program; chmod +x program

Re: Mensaje Clock skew detected

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Lucky wrote: Cuando intento configurar un programa mediante la orden './configure' me da el mensaje 'Clock skew detected'. Alguien sabe que significa? ¿Qué programa es? -- - * Real programmers do: cat program;

Pregunta sobre actualización del kernel

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Tenía el kernel 2.0.36 y ahora he instalado el 2.2.9, pero me pregunto si sería necesario instalar también los headers del nuevo kernel. ¿De donde lo pillo? ¿por qué no vienen los headers con el source del kernel (vaya parece que sea de Gibraltar ;-) --

Re: No funciona APT con el nuevo kernel?

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Jon Noble wrote: Hola, On jue, 23 sep 1999 00:57:47 Francisco José Avila Bermejo wrote: Desde que instalé el nuevo kernel 2.2.9, el APT no me funciona. La versión del APT es la El caso es que le digo que instale algo y me pide el CD correspondiente, pero me lo sigue

Re: Bug en el login de la slink

1999-09-23 Thread Monkiki
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote: Saludos. Por casualidad he descubierto que si en el login, se pulsa flecha de arriba y luego return, a partir de ese momento, la consola aparece curiosa. Los colores no salen y todas las letras están en mayúsculas. ¿Es eso correcto? Veréis que

Re: Contestador automatico

1999-09-23 Thread Sergio Blanco
Hola a todos, ¿Es posible tener el vgetty activado y podre conectarse a Internet? (Claro que este no podria recibir ninguna llamada) Es que yo he de quitarlo cada vez que quiero conectar. Sergio Blanco Cuaresma Registered Linux user #140941 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Programa de tratamiento y grabacion de waves

1999-09-23 Thread Sergio Blanco
Hola a todos, Estoy buscando algun programa de tratamiento y grabacion de waves (y otros formatos) para las X-windows. ¿Alquien conoce alguno? Sergio Blanco Cuaresma Registered Linux user #140941 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Programa de tratamiento y grabacion de waves

1999-09-23 Thread Manuel Fonseca
el Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 11:45:35PM +0200, Sergio Blanco dijo: Estoy buscando algun programa de tratamiento y grabacion de waves (y otros formatos) para las X-windows. ¿Alquien conoce alguno? Hola, has probado el xwave? esta en la 2.1, ademas tmabien tienes el xwavr, que es el que he usado

problemas com o sendmail

1999-09-23 Thread toltec
ola amigos da lista :) tudo bom ? vou direto ao problema: tenho uma maquina rodando debian potato. o sendmail da mesma estava funcionando perfeitamente, ate que eu resolvi atualiza-lo. desde entao, quando meus usuarios enviam e-mails pela mesma, o e-mail e enviado como sendo: From:

Re: apt-get problem

1999-09-23 Thread Christian Hammers
Hello On Wed, 22.09.99 06:08 -0500, Jim Ruby wrote: So why does it want to get 11 mb of stuff again, I do't have anything marked as I usually use apt-get install package when I want to add something. Try apt-get -u dselect-upgrade and you will see *what* it likes to update. read you,

Debian's IPMasq and EverQuest

1999-09-23 Thread Bruce Z. Lysik
Hi guys. This one is a long shot, but I'll try here: Does anyone here use Debian and the ipmasq package along with playing the online game EverQuest? IPMasquerading is working fine otherwise. Linux and Windows98 machines can telnet/web-browse/ssh/whatever through the gateway machine fine.

Re: Debian's IPMasq and EverQuest

1999-09-23 Thread Steve Lamb
Wednesday, September 22, 1999, 4:14:34 PM, Bruce wrote: Anyone play EverQuest with the ipmasq package? :) The problems are most likely because the server is trying to make a connection with your client machine. Since the IPMasqing doesn't know what to do with that port, it drops is.

RE: DirecPC

1999-09-23 Thread Soul Existance
Hey you super-high-speed-gotta-have-it-now-guys, Here's the issue with DirecPC(tm) See, all it's uploads are still done with a phone line, so for all you guys with a 56k connection and know a thing or two about upload/download speeds, you know that a 56k modem only uploads at 33.6k. that means

Re: VMware+DOS network

1999-09-23 Thread Bob Nielsen
You can get the driver at Unarchive it and install on your vmware dos system. It is run by invoking: pcntpk int=0x60 (should be in the range 0x60 to 0x80). It will respond with a message like: Packet driver for an PCNTPK, version 02.20 Packet

Re: .bashrc doesn't work?

1999-09-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 05:45:21PM +, Martyn Pearce wrote: | Oops! In Rat Hat putting things in your .bashrc worked... I guess I | have a few more things to unlearn from Rat Hat! The behavoiur of bash w.r.t. .bashrc .bash_login is fixed. Therefore, if using .bashrc worked with

Re: xfree86 3.3.5 in debian

1999-09-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
Of course, you shouldn't need an .xinitrc or .xsession at all in a user's home directory. To specify the default window manager, just make it the first entry in the file /etc/X11/window-manages. The system wide Xsession should also live under /etc/X11. If it doesn't your system is

awk or sed?

1999-09-23 Thread Tim Thomson
Hi, I want to write a script, that gets the local ip address, and does a reverse ns lookup, then sets the hostname to the dns response. I can use grep to get the line I want from ifconfig and nslookup. But how do I get the numbers and name out of the output? Was it awk or sed, or am I going

Debian homepage and apt: releases/stable

1999-09-23 Thread Dave Baker
The debian homepage: talks about the new version of apt being available from's home page. Clicking the link gives a 404 and searching through the site doesn't show it anywhere. Does anyone know where this can now be downloaded from? Also, does

Re: daemon/initd

1999-09-23 Thread John Pearson
Correcting my mistakes... On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 04:31:28PM +0930, John Pearson wrote On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 03:13:12PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Hi Can someone properly explain to me the differences between how a process starts up as a daemon as apposed to a process which starts

Re: .bashrc doesn't work?

1999-09-23 Thread Pollywog
On 23-Sep-99 Eric G . Miller wrote: On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 05:45:21PM +, Martyn Pearce wrote: | Oops! In Rat Hat putting things in your .bashrc worked... I guess I | have a few more things to unlearn from Rat Hat! The behavoiur of bash w.r.t. .bashrc .bash_login is fixed.

is libgnomeui32 broken?

1999-09-23 Thread Shao Zhang
Hi, Whenever I try to run something like e-conf or gnomeicu. I get an error like this: e-conf: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info Any ideas? Shao. --

Re: Debian's IPMasq and EverQuest

1999-09-23 Thread Bruce Z. Lysik
S == Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: S The problems are most likely because the server is trying S to make a connection with your client machine. Since the S IPMasqing doesn't know what to do with that port, it drops is. Bing, you were right. EverQuest wants port 7000.

Re: exim configuration

1999-09-23 Thread Peter Mickle
On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 11:33:38AM -0300, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote: Hi, What is the proper way to configure exim for my home system? I tried eximconf, choosing using smarthost option (2) but it refuses my e-mail, saying that can't relay mail for destination.machine I

Re: Strange bash prompt

1999-09-23 Thread ferret
I don't know if it's related or not, but when I do something like 'cd /usr/local/../../var/log ; echo $PWD' I get '//var/log' Bash 2.01.1(1)-release On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Keith Harbaugh wrote: On Wed, 1999-09-22 10:25:29 +0530, XRDLAB wrote: Hi, I noticed a strange behaviour of bash

killing dormant/dead processes

1999-09-23 Thread zdrysdal
Hi I am trying to shutdown a server and it says it is already shutting down... i discovered a shutdown process but it seems to be dead and i cannot kill it off with kill -9. ie 993 ? D 0:00 sh /usr/local/bin/faxrunq 15546 ? D 0:00 shutdown -r 0 w 18153 ? D 0:00 sendfax

Need docs on Fontselector In Gnome

1999-09-23 Thread John Foster
I have looked for the docs on the Gnome fontselector. There do not seem to be any. Anyone have any ideas? -- John Foster AdVance-Computing Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ# 19460173

Inchon International Airport Information

1999-09-23 Thread han min woo
Dear Madam or Sir Please refer to the attachednewsinformation for Inchon International Air port in Korea. This news letter should be delivered to personel who are related to airport businessand are interested inour facilities/services. If this is mistakenly delivered to you or you

Re: mysql seg faulting

1999-09-23 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
Hi Christian, Thanks for your reply. On 21-Sep-99 Christian Hammers wrote: On Mon, 20.09.99 13:12 -0700, Wim Kerkhoff wrote: I just installed the latest versions of *mysql*, and all seemed to work fine. However, now everything (mysql, mysqladmin, xmysqladmin...) seg faults on me. MySQL

Re: killing dormant/dead processes

1999-09-23 Thread Seth R Arnold
Can you init 1 or init 0? On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 03:26:17PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi I am trying to shutdown a server and it says it is already shutting down... i discovered a shutdown process but it seems to be dead and i cannot kill it off with kill -9. ie 993 ? D

Entertainment Explorer

1999-09-23 Thread Ivy Wan
Welcome to, the largest online stores for selling DVD VCD in the world. We offer over 3,900 titles and it will be expanded to 5,000 titles in the end of September. DVDshelf.COM is turning the Web into a powerful new sales channel for DVD and Video CD and CD as well our

Re: .bashrc doesn't work?

1999-09-23 Thread Martyn Pearce
| On 23-Sep-99 Eric G . Miller wrote: |If I remeber correctly, they had .bash_profile sourcing .bashrc. Is |there something inherently wrong with doing such a thing? Most of the time, it's just redundant. There are settings (e.g., PATH), which only need to be set once, because they're

Re: A GnuPG package for stable? [Rendering Security Insecure]

1999-09-23 Thread J Horacio MG
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 15:03:54 -0500 From: Eric Gillespie, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Bruce Z. Lysik [EMAIL PROTECTED], Subject: Re: A GnuPG package for stable? Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary=a8Wt8u1KmwUX3Y2C;

md5sum of a cd

1999-09-23 Thread Jim B
I just burned some CDs from their ISO images. I have the m5dsums of the images, and now I'd like to compare a hash of the completed CD against the original image... basically I want to make sure the CD was burned ok. I'm concerned because the hard drive I downloaded the ISOs to was bad, and I

Re: removal of essential packages

1999-09-23 Thread Dave McFadden

Re: .bashrc doesn't work?

1999-09-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 07:21:47AM +, Martyn Pearce wrote: What are you trying to do here? Is there some bash feature being exploited that I haven't seen before? I'm not trying to do anything. I was replying to an earlier post that inidicated there was something wrong with putting


1999-09-23 Thread Robert Varga
How can I install the masquerading module for FTP compatibility? Where can I find it? Robert Varga

Re: ip_masq_ftp

1999-09-23 Thread Seth R Arnold
If you built your kernel yourself, it should be installed into /lib/modules/version/ipv4/ip_masq_ftp.o In which case, you can modprobe ip_masq_ftp to get it to go. :) On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 11:02:13AM +0200, Robert Varga wrote: How can I install the masquerading module for FTP

Re: ip_masq_ftp

1999-09-23 Thread Robert Varga
On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Seth R Arnold wrote: If you built your kernel yourself, it should be installed into /lib/modules/version/ipv4/ip_masq_ftp.o In which case, you can modprobe ip_masq_ftp to get it to go. :) So I do not need to set any option during the kernel configuration? And is

Re: ip_masq_ftp

1999-09-23 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 11:11:45AM +0200, Robert Varga wrote: On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Seth R Arnold wrote: If you built your kernel yourself, it should be installed into /lib/modules/version/ipv4/ip_masq_ftp.o In which case, you can modprobe ip_masq_ftp to get it to go. So I do not need

Re: true type fonts and xfstt (again)

1999-09-23 Thread Aaron Stromas
seth, i've read and followed the faq before i asked for advice. the xfontsel -pattern found no matches. xcoral is not on my system - what is it? -a Seth R Arnold wrote: Aaron, there is a bit more involved than just adding it to the config files. here is the relevant section snipped from

Re: true type fonts and xfstt (again)

1999-09-23 Thread Seth R Arnold
Hmm. My next thought -- and I must apologize for asking -- have you actually installed ttf files into /usr/share/fonts/truetype? And, are they named *ttf? I got many of mine from a DOS machine, and it had many TTF files that I renamed to ttf. (my machine has a nifty rename script, written by larry

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #1649

1999-09-23 Thread Philipp Braunbeck
Hi, LILO boot: hda=19650,16,63 #put the CHS marked on your HD here, of course. or, in /etc/lilo.conf: --Schanipp # LILO Konfigurations-Datei # Start LILO global Section append=hda=19650,16,63 boot=/dev/hda #compact #

Re: true type fonts and xfstt (again)

1999-09-23 Thread Aaron Stromas
Seth R Arnold wrote: Hmm. My next thought -- and I must apologize for asking -- have you actually installed ttf files into /usr/share/fonts/truetype? And, are they named *ttf? I got many of mine from a DOS machine, and it had many TTF files that I renamed to ttf. (my machine has a nifty

Re: lilo post-install

1999-09-23 Thread virtanen
alvin wrote: if you(lilo) get stuckuse dos/windows to fdisk /mbr and try to fix the lilo.conf file again have fun alvin Hi, I managed to get it working. The thing, which was difficult was to find out that if I wanted to boot first dos (there are some other users of this

Quicktime Streaming

1999-09-23 Thread Randall Barth
How can I get Quicktime streaming working across an ip masquerading gateway to my ISP over PPP? I've tried using Apple's proxy, but the program aborts with a segmentation fault. I'm running stock slink. Are there any loadable kernel masquerading modules available for Quicktime streams? Thanks,

Re: true type fonts and xfstt - solved

1999-09-23 Thread Aaron Stromas
when i typed 'fairly sure" before i hesitated a second. the problem was xfstt runs on port 7101 but in XFConfig i managed to put 7100. one looks but does not see... thanks again to all respondents, -a Aaron Stromas wrote: Seth R Arnold wrote: > Hmm. My next thought -- and I must apologize for

Re: .bashrc doesn't work?

1999-09-23 Thread Martyn Pearce
Eric G . Miller writes: | On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 07:21:47AM +, Martyn Pearce wrote: | What are you trying to do here? Is there some bash feature being | exploited that I haven't seen before? | | I'm not trying to do anything. I was replying to an earlier post that | inidicated there

dpkg problem in unstable stream

1999-09-23 Thread MoFo
I'm getting this error whenever I try and add ANY package with dpkg: fgets gave an empty null-terminated string from `/var/lib/dpkg/info/libpam-doc.list' I get this when trying to add/remove/config, anything. Any help would be appreciated.

Gateway hangs on accesses from LAN

1999-09-23 Thread Andrew J.F. Clark
I have a problem with my IP Masq gateway (slink, 2.0.36) hanging during accesses via the LAN. What happens is that whenever one of the machines on the LAN (NT4, Win98 or Debian Slink) accesses anything on the gateway a couple of times, the gateway freezes totaly and won't respond to anything.

Re: .bashrc doesn't work?

1999-09-23 Thread Pollywog
On 23-Sep-99 Eric G . Miller wrote: On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 07:21:47AM +, Martyn Pearce wrote: What are you trying to do here? Is there some bash feature being exploited that I haven't seen before? I'm not trying to do anything. I was replying to an earlier post that inidicated

Re: .bashrc doesn't work?

1999-09-23 Thread Pollywog
On 23-Sep-99 Martyn Pearce wrote: Eric G . Miller writes: | On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 07:21:47AM +, Martyn Pearce wrote: | What are you trying to do here? Is there some bash feature being | exploited that I haven't seen before? | | I'm not trying to do anything. I was replying to an

Re: Inchon International Airport Information

1999-09-23 Thread eric drayer
hey stop that spam On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, han min woo wrote: Dear Madam or Sir Please refer to the attached news information for Inchon International Air port in Korea. This news letter should be delivered to personel who are related to airport business and are interested in our

Problems after upgrading xlibg...

1999-09-23 Thread franck routier
Hi to all, I recently upgraded from xlib6g to xlib6g 3.3.4-2 on my debian slink system. Before that, everything worked fine, especially the gdm graphical login. Now I only get the grey screen of the X server, nothing more. gdm generates this log file in /var/state/gdm/:0.log


1999-09-23 Thread mcclosk
Dave Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: | The debian homepage: talks | about the new version of apt being available from's home | page. Clicking the link gives a 404 and searching through the site | doesn't show it anywhere. | | Does anyone know

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-23 Thread Andrew Hately
Tim Thomson wrote: Hi, ... Was it awk or sed, or am I going along the wrong track? ... Linx Focus this month has an awk tutorial Andrew --

Unidentifiable Fonts question

1999-09-23 Thread John Foster
I have a stable Slink installed and was setting up some non-debian software. I noticed that there are some fonts directories that are not listed in my fontpath. They are; 100dpi-il2 75dpi-il2 misc-il2 All of the other fonts and my truetype fonts seem to be working fine and all are accounted for

Re: lilo post-install

1999-09-23 Thread Brad
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, virtanen wrote: alvin wrote: if you(lilo) get stuckuse dos/windows to fdisk /mbr and try to fix the lilo.conf file again have fun alvin I managed to get it working. The thing, which was difficult was to find out

Re: Apt in slink (Was: (no subject))

1999-09-23 Thread Brad
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Thu, 23 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I understand correctly the most recent version of apt is 0.3.11 (this is the version in potato). The most recent is 0.3.13, although a new version should be released soon because of a bug in the parsing of

debian and xterm

1999-09-23 Thread marco
I do not how to set by defualt a TERM as xterm and NOT xterm-debian. I have other server with freebsd and openbsd and loggin on that servers i nedd to export the TERM variable since they do not recognize xterm-debian. Any idea to have xterm instead of xterm-debian? Thanks for replying to [EMAIL

Re: Need docs on Fontselector In Gnome

1999-09-23 Thread John R. Sheets
John Foster wrote: I have looked for the docs on the Gnome fontselector. There do not seem to be any. Anyone have any ideas? Sure: However, it has been deprecated in favor of GtkFontSelection or GnomeFontPicker. I imagine

Re: debian and xterm

1999-09-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 23 Sep, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about debian and xterm I do not how to set by defualt a TERM as xterm and NOT xterm-debian. I have other server with freebsd and openbsd and loggin on that servers i nedd to export the TERM variable since they do not recognize xterm-debian. Any idea to

portscan: sunrpc etc...

1999-09-23 Thread Lev Lvovsky
hello, upon runnign portscan on my computer from a nonlocal host, I get the following: 9 - discard 13 - daytime 21 - ftp 22 - ssh 23 - telnet 25 - smtp 37 - time 79 - finger 80 - www 110 - pop-3 111 - sunrpc 113 - auth as I use pretty much all of the standard daemons, I don't know what

Re: portscan: sunrpc etc...

1999-09-23 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 04:35:35AM -0700, Lev Lvovsky wrote: do have anything that I've not checked as far as I know). I especially need help with sunrpc, as it's nowhere to be found in rc*... ^^ So do I ;- also, can somone give me a straight answer on

Re: silly sendmail question

1999-09-23 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 09:24:34AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote: Rob Mahurin wrote: On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 12:02:15PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote: I'm behind a firewall, and I'm trying the same thing and can't get it to work: [snip] However, I have an old

NFS mount freezes up my machine...

1999-09-23 Thread Tomislav Renic
Greetings from a (currently) warm and sunny Winnipeg. My problem is that my machine occasionaly locks up completely (no response whatsoever...not even num/caps lock or mouse), requiring a cold boot, after attempting to mount and NFS volume. Any pointers as to what I should be looking at? Thanks

Re: telnet to my machine (cont)

1999-09-23 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 05:22:43PM +0200, Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote: Sep 21 17:11:49 cambados in.telnetd[8102]: connect from Sep 21 17:11:49 cambados in.telnetd[8102]: error: cannot execute /usr/sbin/in.telnetd: No such file or directory Efectively, the file

Re: Need docs on Fontselector In Gnome

1999-09-23 Thread John Foster
John R. Sheets wrote: Sure: However, it has been deprecated in favor of GtkFontSelection or GnomeFontPicker. I imagine it'll disappear in the next major version release of GNOME, e.g. Gnome 2.0. John

RE: portscan: sunrpc etc...

1999-09-23 Thread Ryan McLean
Just a quick note, you may also try: killall -HUP inetd instead of 'kill -HUP inetd' That works just as well :P - Ryan /* Ryan McLean * Network/Systems Administrator * * */ -Original Message- From: Jean-Yves BARBIER [mailto:[EMAIL

Re: configuration of a printer

1999-09-23 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Andreas Piesk wrote: are you sure about the /dev/lp1 ? the first lpt is lp0. what are the permissions of /etc/printcap ? readable by everyone ? the printcap itself seems to be ok. At first sight everything looks OK: the /dev files, the printcat file... cambados:~# ls -lisa /dev/lp*

Re: portscan: sunrpc etc...

1999-09-23 Thread Seth R Arnold
Just a quick warning -- killall functions quite nicely under linux. But, don't try it under other versions of unix as superuser, since it often does kill*all*. As for the services... discard throws away everything that hits it -- /dev/null ported to tcp/ip sockets. :) daytime tells the date and

Trouble while compiling KWinTV.

1999-09-23 Thread Steeve Lennmark
Hi, i'm having trubbel compiling KWinT. I know this isn't a Debian specific question, but I can compile it in both redhat and SuSE without error's. This is the error: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/include/kde -I/usr/lib/qt1g/include -I/usr/X11R6/include-O2 -c wintvscreen.cpp

Gnome-objc configure problem

1999-09-23 Thread Mike Nachlinger
Hi All, Running a Debian 2.2.12/Glibc6 system. Configure for gnome-objc-1.0.40 stops with a Objective C required but none found error. I have the GCC and Gobjc packages installed. What flags do I need to send to configure to get it to recognize the compiler? CC=egcc CFLAGS=-O2 ./configure

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-23 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 12:12:57PM +1200, Tim Thomson wrote: Hi, I want to write a script, that gets the local ip address, and does a reverse ns lookup, then sets the hostname to the dns response. I can use grep to get the line I want from ifconfig and nslookup. But how do I get the

Re: What does mountd is used for?

1999-09-23 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Wayne Topa wrote: Subject: What does mountd is used for? Date: Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 09:03:31PM +0200 In reply to:Manuel Arenaz Silva Quoting Manuel Arenaz Silva([EMAIL PROTECTED]): I would like what is the usage of the mountd daemon. man mountd That man command is very

Slow system clock?

1999-09-23 Thread Jason Christensen
Would anyone be able to speculate as to why my system (kernel) clock is slow? I know that my hardware (CMOS) clock is maintaining a time that does not drift more than a CMOS clock normally does, but my kernel clock will lose approximately 4 hours in every 9. I can set the system clock at

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