Just the Beginning of Tax Incentives -- Looking at Candidates and Their 

ECOtality, Inc. (OTCBB: ETLY)

ECOtality stands to be the beneficiary of current directions which support 
research and development in alternative fuels and tax credits for the use of 
alternative fuels. It is important to understand current legislation in the 
U.S. Congress is probably not the end of incentives and tax credits for 
alternative energy. Each candidate has addressed this issue.

I think it's important to understand where ECOtality fits into the political 

Our next president will lead the way in future directives. Here's where the 
candidates stand -- alphabetically by party and candidate.


Each of the dozen major candidates for president has called for less dependence 
on foreign oil and more use of alternative fuels. The candidates differ on how 
to get there.


Joe Biden: Calls energy independence his "first priority." Supports expanded 
use of alternative fuels. Pledges a "substantial national commitment by 
dramatically increasing investment in energy and climate change research and 
technology so that the United States becomes the world leader in developing and 
exporting alternative energy."

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Supports starting a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund 
to pay for the research and development of alternative energies. Oil companies 
could pay into the fund or invest in alternative energies. Favors eliminating 
oil industry tax breaks. Opposes drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Reserve 
and along the U.S. coast. However, backed increased drilling in the Gulf Coast 
to pay for Hurricane Katrina rebuilding.

Chris Dodd: Wants to cut 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, end 
dependence on Middle East oil by 2015. Would impose a corporate carbon tax that 
could raise $50 billion a year to pay for research into alternative energies. 
Would use tax incentives to encourage the purchase of hybrid vehicles. Wants 
all new government vehicles to be powered by an alternative energy source.

John Edwards: Would cut oil imports by a third by 2025. Favors a $13 
billion-a-year New Energy Economy Fund, paid for through the sale of greenhouse 
gas pollution permits and the repeal of oil company subsidies. Fund would 
support biofuels and help auto companies modernize so they could meet new 40 
mile-a-gallon fuel standards. Would require oil companies to install ethanol 
pumps at 25 percent of their gas stations and require all new cars sold after 
2010 to be "flex fuel" vehicles. Opposes oil
drilling along the U.S. coast.

Barack Obama: Supports tax credits for companies that install ethanol refueling 
pumps. Has legislation requiring oil companies that made $1 billion or more in 
profits during the first quarter of 2006 invest 1 percent of those profits in 
installing ethanol pumps. Supports offering auto companies federal help with 
their health- care costs in exchange for the production of more hybrid 
vehicles. Opposes drilling along the U.S. coast.

Bill Richardson: Has called for reducing oil demand by 50 percent by 2020. 
Backs the production of vehicles that could get 100 miles per gallon. Would 
double fuel-efficiency requirement to 50 miles a gallon by 2020. Would 
eliminate some oil company tax subsidies and sell greenhouse gas permits. 
Opposes drilling along the U.S. coast.


Sam Brownback: Wants North America to be "energy self-reliant" in 15 years. 
Favors increased domestic oil production, including drilling in Alaska's Arctic 
National Wildlife Refuge. Backs more oil imports from Canada and expanded use 
of alternative fuels. Supported a bill that would have allowed oil and gas 
drilling off the U.S. coast.

Rudy Giuliani: Opposes a tax on greenhouse gas emissions. Open to building more 
nuclear power plants. Supports more conservation and expanded use of 
alternative energy sources, especially ethanol. Backs more oil and gas 
exploration off the U.S. coast.

Mike Huckabee: Says the first thing he would do as president is present 
Congress with his plan to achieve energy independence. Pledges to have the 
country energy independent by the end of his second term. Calls for more 
exploration, more conservation and expanded use of alternative fuels.

Duncan Hunter: Supports authorizing the construction of new oil refineries. 
Backs use of "clean coal" programs. Would eliminate federal taxes on 
alternative energy sources. Supports tax breaks for oil and gas production. Has 
opposed raising fuel-efficiency standards. Would drill in the Arctic National 
Wildlife Reserve and off the U.S. coast.

John McCain: Backs expanded use of alternative energy sources. Opposes federal 
subsidies for all of those sources. Called for more use of nuclear energy and 
use of energy produced from cleaner coal. Would not answer directly a question 
regarding oil and gas drilling on the outer continental shelf, an area three to 
200 miles off the U.S. coastline. Campaign said he "understands OCS development 
holds promise to increase the domestic supply of oil and natural gas."

Mitt Romney: Favors expanded use of alternative fuels. Also backs more 
drilling, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and along the U.S. 
coast. "We need to pursue reasonable approaches to offshore drilling to balance 
American energy production and independence with environmental protection and 
the impacts on our states' beaches and economies," he said.

ECOtality has a comprehensive approach to alternative energy -- that has proven 
results with tremendous potential!

Don't forget the Fuel Cell Store Blog.

Source: ECOtality, Inc.

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