> Por si te sirve:
> Debian PPP dialin and callback server
> Introduction
> First of all sorry for my english. I decided to write this tutorial to
> help
> people to configre their linux machine to run PPP dialin and callback
> services. First time I was working on this for about 12 hours even using
> other tutorials, but they had small misconfigurations, so using all the
> material I found on the web finally I got what I want.
> Software (pre configuration)
> I was using debian OS:
> debian:~# uname -a
>  Linux debian 2.2.20 #1 Sat Apr 20 11:45:28 EST 2002 i586 unknown
> NOTICE: You need to be superuser for now!
> When I started configuring and reading manuals, I tested if there is ppp
> package installed on my computer:
> debian:~# whereis pppd
>  pppd:
> It means, where is no pppd package installed on my computer. So I
> installed
> it:
> debian:~# apt-get install ppp
> When I continued reading manuals and found that I need mgetty package too.
> Again I tested if there is package mgetty on my computer:
> debian:~# whereis mgetty
>  mgetty:
> Again there was no this package so I installed it:
> debian:~# apt-get install mgetty
> Now all packages are installed on my computer for PPP dialin and callback
> services.
> Hardware (modem)
> I have external modem connected to my computer on COM1 it means
> /dev/ttyS0.
> You can have COM2 so it's on /dev/ttyS1. You have to be sure that your
> modem
> is supported by LINUX OS, because my tutorial doesn't cover this topic. No
> futher configuration is needed for modem and we are ready for configuring
> our
> system.
> Configuration (dialin)
> Here are steps that I did configuring my system.
> 1. Create new group ppp, for this you need to edit file /etc/group and add
> this line on the end of file:
> ppp:x:1001:
> 2. Create new system user for dialin connection pppuser: Simple create new
> system user and when using shell command vipw change line of user pppuser
> to
> this:
> pppuser:x:1001:1001:,,,:/home/pppuser:/usr/sbin/ppplogin
> 3. Create new file /usr/sbin/ppplogin:
> #!/bin/sh
>  #/etc/ppp/ppplogin
>  # PPP login script
>  mesg n
>  stty -echo
>  exec /usr/sbin/pppd -detach modem debug crtscts
> 4. Set access attributes for this file:
> debian:~# chmod 750 /usr/sbin/ppplogin
>  debian:~# chown root:ppp /usr/sbin/ppplogin
> 5. Set access attributes for /etc/ppp directory:
> debian:~# chmod 775 /etc/ppp
>  debian:~# chown root:root -R /etc/ppp
> 6. Set access attributes for /usr/sbin/pppd:
> debian:~# chmod 750 /usr/sbin/pppd
>  debian:~# chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd
> 7. Add line at the end of file /etc/inittab if you are using COM1:
> S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0
> or this line if you are using COM2:
> S1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS1
> 8. Restart init. This enables the ttyS0 line to accept incoming
> connections:
> debian:~# init q
> 9. Now add line at the end of file /etc/mgetty/login.config:
> /AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd auth +pap -chap login -detach
> comment all other lines on this file.
> 10. Create file /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0 if you are using COM1 or
> file /etc/ppp.options.ttyS1 if you are using COM2:
>  debug
> On first line there are two IP addresses. First assigned for server on
> connection and second to client. You can change them according to your IP
> numbering scheme.
> 11. Now try dialing to the server from a client. For this if you are using
> MS
> windows, click dial up networking and then select new connection and fill
> out
> various fields. Login as pppuser with password and verify whether your
> dialin
> server is working perfectly. Check the connection by pinging the server
> from
> client. Also you can verify the ip address assigned to client by typing
> winipcfg on command prompt.
> Configuration (callback)
> Actually there is just small changes to start callback service.
> 1. Create an empty file /etc/mgetty/callback.conf.
> 2. Add line at the end of file /etc/mgetty/login.config:
> pppuserb - - /usr/sbin/callback -S callback_number
> You should change callback_number to your client phone number.
> That's all for callback service. Now it's working. And you need only
> client
> configuration.
> Configuration (callback client)
> As client I use Windows XP professional, but the same configuration is
> O.K.
> for other MS Windows versions.
> 1. Run your control panel, and open Phone and modem options. On modems tab
> select one that you use for connecting to your callback service and press
> Properties. Now on advanced tab you see extra initialization commands.
> Enter
> there:
> &c0s0=1
> 2. Now create file callback.scp anywhere on your filesystem:
> proc main
>  waitfor "ogin: "
>  transmit $USERID
>  transmit "b^M"
>  waitfor "ogin: "
>  transmit $USERID
>  transmit "^M"
>  waitfor "assword: "
>  transmit $PASSWORD
>  transmit "^M"
>  endproc
> 3. Now create new connection as you do using usual ISP. For login use
> username 'pppuser' and password. Now go on new connections properties,
> then
> security tab, check the box use script and browse to your created file
> callback.scp. That's all now you can just connect to your callback server.
> After few seconds it will hang up your connection and redial. For your
> computer and for callback server will be assigned IP addresses. You can
> try
> to ping it. Congratulation now you have network connection with callback
> server.
> NOTICE! I don't cover topics about making your client to reach the
> internet
> access that callback server may have.
> Troubleshooting
> If you find out some problems related to my tutorial please inform me
> about
> this using e-mail. According to your assistance I will make corrections to
> this tutorial and use this troubleshooting section for right way.
> About author
> My name is Tomas Vilda, I'm living in Lithuania, city Vilnius. I work as
> system administrator-programmer on enterprise of J. Denapas "TIGBIS". My
> e-mail webmas...@stilius.net. I have wonderful girlfriend Inga that I love
> so
> much. And I want to thank her for making me do something else not just
> sitting by computer.
> Version
> This tutorial was last update on 2003 11 14. You can allways find newest
> version on here
> Copyrigth
> This document is copyrighted to Tomas Vilda. You can use it in all ways,
> but
> don't change this section and allways include it.
> --
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Gracias al colega Leonel he encontrado el inconveniente, el lio es que el
modem es pci no com de ahi el problema

Gracias a Todos por la Atencion Prestada al tema, ahora lo proximo es
adquirir un modem com externo

Cambio y Fuera

 * Yuniesky Machado Rojas       *
 * Administrador de Redes       *
 * Nodo: inivit.cu     *
 * Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Viandas Tropicales
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