
What's up with this ~2 years ITP ? :)

Well, I wanted to complete this bug with the rtirq homepage :
* http://alsa.opensrc.org/Rtirq

I tested latest one from :
* http://www.rncbc.org/jack/rtirq-20070101.tar.gz

Until, this "itp" package is published somewhere (like mentors.d.n)
You can get my quick and dirty package on my personal repo :

* http://rzr.online.fr/contrib.htm

Hope this help

 # mailto:rzr[a]users.sf.net -- gpg:0x467094BC
 # http://rzr.online.fr/contribs.htm -- Libre Software Addict
 # xmpp:rzr[a]jabber.fr -- sip:rzr[a]ekiga.net

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