Hi folks :)

So here are the meeting minutes from our presentation to the Fedora Council. 
Both myself and riecatnor were there to represent:


Here's sort of a quick summary of what we discussed (I basically used what we 
talked about a couple of meetings ago as the agenda - 
 but I rearrnaged the points from the log here to be more coherent than I was. 
:) )

1. Current State of the Fedora Design Team

We talked about the FAD we held in January of this year and what we 
accomplished, and how we've sustained it - cleaning up the ticket queue and 
coming up with a workable ticket process, re-establishing regular meetings and 
doing regular ticket triage. riecatnor and threebean also redesigned the new 
badge ticket submission pro9cess and the resulting badge request tickets have 
been more useful.

We are talking about doing a schedule review during our meetings since we 
missed at least one deliverable for F23 (media art.) A cool idea from langdon 
was to auto-script ticket creation for release deliverables so they were in our 
trac and we could just track them the same way we track any other ticket and 
have assignees / etc. We would need help with writing such a script, though 
(and we might want to eventually move our ticket system to pagure.io.) 

2. Future Plans

- We talked about Maria's project to organize and fill out our swag designs. 

- We talked about how Marie has been mentoring newcomers in creating badges and 
ran a successful Badge Workshop at Flock and that we'd like to do more Badge 
workshops/hackathon kind of events. 

- We talked about the Fedora Hubs project. We also talked about upcoming 
internship positions (including a UX summer internship for summer 2016 in 
Boston) for working on Hubs.

3. Things the Design Team Needs from the Rest of the Fedora Project


- We'd like to do another Design Team FAD in 2016, in July, in the Boston area. 
It would involve both a Badge Hackathon as well as a day to work on print 
design materials in preparation for Flock EMEA the following month.

- We'd like to integrate some kind of newcomer recruitment into the event too - 
maybe some kind of student participation - although July is a bad month to do 
this as many university students have left campus for the summer. :(

- We'd also like to try to engage remote attendees. We had issues at our Jan 
2015 FAD, but the situation may be better in July 2016, particularly if we use 
Red Hat's Boston area office as it is getting a video / conference system 

- Our cheapest option is going to be hosting at Red Hat's office in Westford 
MA; we have better potential for engaging new folks if we head closer to Boston 
but lodging in Boston in the summer tends to be quite expensive. Another option 
is arranging transport for students from universities up to Westford.

- To move forward with this we need a draft proposal, which mizmo took as an 
action item.


- Made mostly as a PSA - we frequently get last-minute design requests that do 
not include actual (text) content to use. Sometimes we as designers come pu 
with the content even though it's not our thing. Please be kind to your 
designer friends and don't ask us to design stuff until you have your content / 
goals / vision to share with us so we can make you a nice design. 


- The integrity of our design work should be treated as seriously as the 
integrity of Fedora's code, so please provide us specs and info on printers / 
vendors so we can make sure our design work reflects Fedora's brand correctly 
(and in enough time to get the job done.)

4. Recruiting and Retention

- This is something we have room for improvement on.

- We think our recent hyperkitty list migration might help in lowering the 
barrier to participate on our mailing list.

- We had some ideas to do virtual event like office hours at regular intervals 
so newbies could show up for hands on help.

- We think our retention rate is pretty typical. Usually when we lose folks 
it's because of a changing life situation - new job, graduate from school, etc.

- We need to focus more on recruitment; don't put a lot of active effort into 
it. Mostly folks come to our mailing list and volunteer and we try our best to 
follow up; only a few continue to engage.

- Some of our recruits are technical and want to learn more about design; some 
of our recruits have a strong design background but don't know as much about 
the technical bits.

5. Swag Strategy

- Maria's project to clean up our swag assets is going to help.

- Traditionally our swag has been very haphazard without (seemingly) much 
centralized organization. 

- Should we consider some bounds on swag production to help manage it (example 
would be T-shirts for FUDcons/Flocks but not for FADs as a policy - as they are 
more impactful environmentally / cost-wise.)

- Could we consider alternatives to T-shirts?

- There are significant regional differences in swag production that should be 

- Discussion lead to a suggestion of creating a draft swag policy to try to 
organize thoughts around this.

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