Hi folks!

Last week we had a pretty fun video chat where we talked through some conceptual ideas for the Fedora 35 wallpaper inspired by Mae Jemison.

At the bottom of the ticket you'll see there are a few ideas we had that are in need of some thumbnail sketches to brainstorm how we might visually represent them:

There are 4 ideas, and if you're willing/able, it would be super helpful if you'd be willing to claim one of the 4 ideas in the ticket (https://pagure.io/design/issue/707) and work on maybe 4 or 5 very quick, very sloppy, very sketchy thumbnail sketches to brainstorm on ways to visualize the idea.

If this sounds intriguing but you're not quite sure how to start, please feel free to ping me either here, off-list, in the ticket, or via chat (I'm mizmo in #fedora-design on irc.freenode.net or in the Design Team matrix channel at https://matrix.to/#/#fedora-design:matrix.org )

The full list of 4 ideas is below for your convenience :)


1. Perspective / Illusion / Spaceship

Some ideas we talked about here was the visual of cells weightlessly floating through blood vessels, stem cells, a space ship mimicking the shape of a human cell.

2. Human Body

The physicality of the human body and how it handles weightlessness (her research topic for NASA)... thinking about the shape of cells

3. Return to normalcy / Cooperation & Unity between people

We talked about how we are all physically cooped up throughout COVID in the same way that astronauts in a mission are physically cooped up on a shuttle or on the space station, and the sense of hope for all us posed by the incredible things astronauts/researchers can do in this restrictive environment...

4. Weightlessness / Tron-style GFX / Perspective

We talked about how the perspective lines inside the space capsule are an interesting alternative to a generic space image... we also talked about how Tron legacy visuals are also an interesting alternative to generic space imagery, and how some of the related images also depict a sense of weightlessness (Jemison's research focus)
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