Hey y'all,

Infra contacted me recently over our couchdb-vm2.apache.org machine, which needed to be deprecated and replaced with a new vm at a new datacentre. That work is now done.

The new host is couchdb-vm.apache.org, and it runs Ubuntu 20.04. We have 2 CNAMEs (aliases) to this host:

  repo-nightly.couchdb.org -- this is the same as always, but powered
                              purely by the nginx fancyindex module,
                              so no server-side JS/PHP/etc

  logs.couchdb.org -- this takes over for couchdb-vm2.a.o in our CI
                      build process. Same CouchDB service, now running
                      3.1.0. Go here if your build fails and you need
                      detailed logs from your test run.

PMC members can request ssh & sudo access to this machine through an Infra ticket if desired, for instance to add your own CouchDB admin

Joan "new vm, same as the old vm" Touzet

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