Dear Apache Kafka Development Team,

My name is Mahesh and I am interested in contributing to the Apache Kafka
project. I have been following the development of Kafka for some time and I
am impressed with the work that has been done by the community.

I would like to request permission to contribute to the project. My Wiki ID
is" Mahesh Madushan Jayawardhana   and my Jira ID is  mahesh98  . I have
signed the Contributor License Agreement and I am ready to begin
contributing to the project.

I am particularly interested in working on KAFKA-13349, but I am also open
to other areas where I can be of assistance.I am excited to apply my skills
to contribute to the Kafka community.

Please let me know what steps I need to take to become a contributor to the
Apache Kafka project. I am looking forward to being part of this vibrant
and dynamic community.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your time and attention.

Best regards,


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