Last month, I synced some progress
<> on
"Support Customized Kubernetes Scheduler" [1] at 24. Feb. 2022.

Another month has passed, with the cut of the 3.3 release, there are also
some changes on SPIP. I'd like to share in here:

TLDR: below changes are merged in last month before 3.3 branch cut:

1. [Common] SPARK-38383 <>:
Support APP_ID and EXECUTOR_ID placeholder in annotations
This will help Yunikorn set appid annotation.
Thanks @dongjoon-hyun @weiweiyang

2. [Common] SPARK-38561
<>: Add
doc for Customized Kubernetes Schedulers

3. [Volcano] SPARK-38455 <>:
Introduce a new
configuration: spark.kubernetes.scheduler.volcano.podGroupTemplateFile
    to replace original configuration design:
Thanks @dongjoon-hyun

4. [Volcano] Add queue/priority/resource reservation(gang) scheduling
integration test:
Queue scheduling: SPARK-38188
Priority scheduling: SPARK-38423
Resource reservation (Gang): SPARK-38187

5. [Volcano] adding doc for volcano scheduler: SPARK-38562

6. Volcano community are adding Spark + Volcano IT:

I also completed a new slide as final recap to help you understand above
and all we done:

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