Hello all,

I would like to bring your attention to a small project to integrate
TensorFlow with Apache Spark, called TensorFrames. With this library, you
can map, reduce or aggregate numerical data stored in Spark dataframes
using TensorFlow computation graphs. It is published as a Spark package and
available in this github repository:


More detailed examples can be found in the user guide:


This is a technical preview at this point. I am looking forward to some
feedback about the current python API if some adventurous users want to try
it out. Of course, contributions are most welcome, for example to fix bugs
or to add support for platforms other than linux-x86_64. It should support
all the most common inputs in dataframes (dense tensors of rank 0, 1, 2 of
ints, longs, floats and doubles).

Please note that this is not an endorsement by Databricks of TensorFlow, or
any other deep learning framework for that matter. If users want to use
deep learning in production, some other more robust solutions are
available: SparkNet, CaffeOnSpark, DeepLearning4J.

Best regards

Tim Hunter

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