I've added a 'release' profile with maven-gpg-plugin configuration to
both the struts1 and struts2 parent poms.

When you're deploying to the m2-staging-repository directory, activate
the profile with
  -P release
and supply your passphrase with
  -Dpassphrase="My Pass Phrase"
(This can also be done in settings.xml)

If you have GPG installed and available on your path, this will sign
all the jars, poms, and attached artifacts and deploy the signatures
along with the artifacts.  It works fine with Cygwin and GnuPG, I
haven't tried it with the Windows version of GnuPG.

(http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MGPG-1 is open, requesting that the
plugin prompt for the passphrase instead of requiring it to be
supplied in plain text.)


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