Great, thank you guys, looking forward for it.
(I mistyped FC35 but meant FC36, not working with FC35 and not aware what's the state there.)
27.10.2022, 10:17, "Jiri Olsa" <>:

On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 07:45:39AM +0900, Dominique Martinet wrote:

 +Jiri in To
 Dave Stux wrote on Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 09:39:23PM -0000:
 > I have opened bugs relating to bcc, and I see no reply on them.
 > Currently, at least in my testing, the state of ,pst pf the bcc dependent tools in F35 is broken.
 > Examples:
 bcc 0.22 is quite old and I think you have it right in this bug: just updating
 to a newer bcc version would likely fix all these issues.
 fedora 37+ have bcc 0.24 which is more reasonable and probably works, so
 I guess it'd just be a matter of pushing it for f35/36 as well.
 (note there's a bcc 0.25 that might be good for rawhide, but it breaks
 API on bcc_prog_load_xattr() breaking e.g. older gobpf or bpftrace,
 see , so that one should
 not be backported -- but I'm not aware of any such problem for bcc 0.22
 to 0.24)
 > I have filled non-responsive bug, but there's no reply on it too:
 > Can anyone contact Jiri Olsa or update if he is out on vacation?
 > Is there an additional package maintainer?

sorry for delay.. I talked to Jerome on Monday and he will
take care of that


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