
In 2017, we start to look into the possibility of having Deepin Desktop Environment in Fedora. With the effort of several packagers and reviewers, Deepin Desktop Environment was able to run in Fedora in late 2018. And later the DeepinDE SIG was 'officially' formed.

In the past 5 years, our main packager has changed from @mosquito (no longer active with Fedora) to @cheeselee. And we have 2 more contributors. However, as time goes by, all the Deepin DE SIG member are becoming much busier than the beginning in our own life - too busy to keep Deepin DE always up to date.

So I'm writing to see if we can have more packagers to help. If you want to help keep the Deepin desktop environment alive in Fedora, feel free to drop us an email. I'm willing to add you as a co-maintainers.

Much appreciated!

Zamir SUN on behalf of the DeepinDE SIG

Zamir SUN
GPG : 1D86 6D4A 49CE 4BBD 72CF FCF5 D856 6E11 F2A0 525E
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