[seL4] create a new thread in sel4

2018-09-18 Thread Dongxu Ji
My platform is imx6q sabrelite and I have run sel4-test successfully. Now
I'm trying to create a new thread in the initial thread according to sel4
tutorial2. But it didn't run.

The code is shown below:

struct driver_env env;
allocman_t *allocman;

/* function to run in the new thread */
void thread_2(void) {

printf("thread_2: hallo wereld\n");

while (1);

int main(void)
int error;
reservation_t virtual_reservation;
seL4_BootInfo *info = platsupport_get_bootinfo();

seL4_DebugNameThread(seL4_CapInitThreadTCB, "sel4test-driver");

/* initialise libsel4simple */
simple_default_init_bootinfo(, info);

/* create an allocator */
allocman = bootstrap_use_current_simple(,
ALLOCATOR_STATIC_POOL_SIZE, allocator_mem_pool);

/* create a vka */
allocman_make_vka(, allocman);

/* create a vspace */
error = sel4utils_bootstrap_vspace_with_bootinfo_leaky(,

/* fill the allocator with virtual memory */
void *vaddr;
virtual_reservation = vspace_reserve_range(,
seL4_AllRights, 1, );
if (virtual_reservation.res == 0) {
ZF_LOGF("Failed to provide virtual memory for allocator");

 bootstrap_configure_virtual_pool(allocman, vaddr,

/* Allocate slots for, and obtain the caps for, the hardware we will be
 * using, in the same function.
sel4platsupport_init_default_serial_caps(, ,
, _objects);

vka_t serial_vka = env.vka;
serial_vka.utspace_alloc_at = arch_get_serial_utspace_alloc_at();

/* Construct a simple wrapper for returning the I/O ports.  */
simple_t serial_simple = env.simple;

/* enable serial driver */
platsupport_serial_setup_simple(, _simple,


/* get our cspace root cnode */
seL4_CPtr cspace_cap;
cspace_cap = simple_get_cnode();

/* get our vspace root page diretory */
seL4_CPtr pd_cap;
pd_cap = simple_get_pd();

/* create a new TCB */
vka_object_t tcb_object = {0};
error = vka_alloc_tcb(, _object);

/* initialise the new TCB */
error = seL4_TCB_Configure(tcb_object.cptr, seL4_CapNull,  cspace_cap,
seL4_NilData, pd_cap, seL4_NilData, 0, 0);

/* give the new thread a name */
name_thread(tcb_object.cptr, "hello-2: thread_2");

UNUSED seL4_UserContext regs = {0};

/* set instruction pointer where the thread shoud start running */
sel4utils_set_instruction_pointer(, (seL4_Word)thread_2);

/* check that stack is aligned correctly */
const int stack_alignment_requirement = sizeof(seL4_Word) * 2;
uintptr_t thread_2_stack_top = (uintptr_t)thread_2_stack +

/* set stack pointer for the new thread */
sel4utils_set_stack_pointer(, thread_2_stack_top);

/* actually write the TCB registers. */
error = seL4_TCB_WriteRegisters(tcb_object.cptr, 0, 0, 2, );

/* start the new thread running */
error = seL4_TCB_Resume(tcb_object.cptr);

/* we are done, say hello */
printf("main: hello world \n");

return 0;

And I can get some output:
cspace_cap is 2

pd_cap is 3

tcb_object.cptr is 5f7

tcb_object.ut is 1208

tcb_object.type is 1

tcb_object.size_bits is a
regs.pc is
regs.sp is 3f24f0

Any advice about the issue?

Thank you,
Dongxu Ji
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[seL4] genode-sel4-arm -- Genode OS with seL4 on ARM hardware

2018-09-18 Thread Adam Wiethuechter

Webite -- http://genodl4arm.critical.com/
Github -- https://github.com/CriticalTechnologiesInc/genode-sel4-arm

Hello everyone,

I have something rather exciting to share with you all today that we 
here at Critical Technologies Inc (CTI) have been working on for 
sometime now - the marriage of Genode OS and seL4 on native ARM 
hardware. We currently are supporting the Wandboard Quad (from 
Wandboard) and the SabreLite (from Boundary Devices). We are hoping to 
continue development targeting ARMv8a boards of interest; mainly the 
Raspberry Pi 3B and/or the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ ZCU102.

This is obviously a work in progress with only the first step but we 
wished to share our documentation to the community for others to 
contribute and see what we are doing.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Adam Wiethuechter, Jr Software Engineer
Critical Technologies Inc.

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