Greetings. After the outage that just completed, koji has been upgraded
to 1.34.0 plus a few patches from upstream. Some highlights:

* The scheduler has been redone completely, hopefully this will allow
for more complex scheduling adjustments. In the mean time it should be
pretty similar from the perspective of when builds are picked up, etc.
You may see the 'assigned' state more often as the hub assigns builds.

* A patch has been added allowing us to set 'noarch_arches' on build
tags. This allows us to specify what arch builders will do noarch
builds. Without any setting it's any arch, but this presents problems
for noarch packages that have some dependencies that have dropped i686.
For f41 / rawhide, this has been set to "aarch64 x86_64 ppc64le s390x"
(ie, excluding i686). If this works well we can extend it to other build

* The kiwi plugin has been enabled (although we still need to create
some build tags and groups to fully enable it). 

* image builds now don't pass units in size requests (allowing the
underlying image tool to decide if 1 is 1G or 1GiB.

* Unrelated to the koji upgrade, the s390x builders have been
reinstalled on a new mainframe. The new hardware is faster, the new
builders have more memory and disk space and the network to this
datacenter is much faster. Currently we have allocated fewer 'larger'
builders, but if they cannot handle the volume of builds we may
rebalance them into more smaller instances.

As well as all the upstream changes:

Please report any problems to the infrastructure issue tracker:


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