On 17/01/19 21:00 +0100, Jan Pokorný wrote:
> For instance, also Fedora project, ironically with the intimately
> strongest inclination towards this project, decided to ditch it in
> favour of Antora:
> https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-docs-overhaul/


> My ask is then: how you feel about this possible change (addressing
> intentionallh YOU on this very list, as an existing or possible future
> contributor), if you know of some other tool comparable to publican,
> or if you think we might be served with some other approach to
> mastering publications with as little friction as possible (staying
> with AsciiDoc preferred for the time being) unless we get something
> really appealing in return (is there any cherry like that with, e.g.,
> Sphinx?).

You tossing it here for possible future reference, more detailed
article linked from the Fedora Magazine post mentioned that Fedora
was also toying with what OpenShift documentation uses:


once they were clear publican is not viable going forward and before
sticking with Antora.  It doesn't look very maintained either, though,
and brings a whole new dependency avalanche with it (Ruby), too.

Jan (Poki)

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