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On 30/04/19 13:55 +0200, Jan Pokorný wrote:
> On 30/04/19 07:55 +0200, Ulrich Windl wrote:
>>>>> Jan Pokorný <jpoko...@redhat.com> schrieb am 29.04.2019 um 17:22
>>>>> in Nachricht <20190429152200.ga19...@redhat.com>:
>>> On 29/04/19 14:58 +0200, Jan Pokorný wrote:
>>>> On 29/04/19 08:20 +0200, Ulrich Windl wrote:
>> I agree that multiple threads in one thread have no problem using
>> printf(), but (at least in the buffered case) if multiple processes
>> write to the same file, that type of locking doesn't help much IMHO.
> Oops, you are right, I made a logical shortcut connecting flockfile(3)
> and flock(1), which was entirely unbacked.  You are correct it would
> matter only amongst the threads, not otherwise unsynchronized processes.
> Sorry about the noise :-/
> Shamefully, this rather important (nobody wants garbled log messages)
> aspect is in no way documented in libqb's context (it does not do any
> explicit locking on its own), especially since the length of the logged
> messages can go above the default of 512 B (in the upcoming libqb 2,
> IIUIC) ... and luckily, I was steering the direction to still stay
> modest and cap that on 4 kiB, even if for other reasons:
> https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/pull/292#issuecomment-361745575
> which still might be within Linux + typical FSs (ext4) boundaries
> to guarantee atomicity of an append (or maybe not even that, it all
> seems a gray area of any guarantees provided by the underlying system,
> inputs from the experts welcome).  Anyway, ISTM that we should at the
> very least increase the buffer size for block buffering to the
> configured one (up to 4 kiB as mentioned) if BUFSIZ would be less,
> to prevent tainting this expected atomicity from the get-go.

This post seems to indicate that while equivalent of BUFSIZ is 8 kiB
with glibc (confirmed on Fedora/x86-64), it might possibly be 1 kiB
only on BSDs (unless the underlying FS provides a hint otherwise?),
so the opt-in maxed out message (of 4 kiB currently, but generic
guards are in order in case anybody decides to bump that even further)
might readily cause log corruption on some systems with multiple
processes appending to the same file:


Any especially BSD people to advise here about what "atomic append"
on their system means, which conditions need to be assurably met?

Jan (Poki)

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