Hello guys. It has been some time since my last post on forum regarding redub. It has improved a lot on its newest versions. Since it has been put to prove on Hipreme Engine as its main build system, there were a bunch of updates that I've done that made it even faster, reliable, with more support to features that one can encounter in dub. There is still a plenty of niche features that dub has that it wasn't implemented, but, by now, I'm pretty sure it should have achieved its 90% of compatibility :)

Here follows the release notes since the last time I posted

# Redub v1.3.9 release notes:
- Added: Support for folders with whitespace

- Added: Error API
- Added: Public API for not requiring describe for getting linker files and source files

- Added: --version and fixed private dependencies
- Fixed: Now hipjson parses a single value json

- Fixed: Memory allocation was failing
- Fixed: Even faster JSON parsing

- Update: Make JSON parsing of redub faster by using hipjson ( I got to parse json in 1/5 of the time) - Fixed: Always use -op/--oq since it creates a compilation with better compatibility
- Added: Support for repository based dub paths
- Added: buildType support

- Added: Now rebuild is also based on output artifact. This guarantees that it won't reuse compilation artifacts on different configurations
- Fixed: Generate cache for static libs too

- Update: Content hashing is now using a faster hashing algorithm

- Update: Improved efficiency of cache generation
- Update: Improved cache generation
- Fixed: now adv_diff supports date-only comparison
- Fixed: Some bugs on serialization
- Fixed: Bug when some caches would not be correctly identified

- Fixed: Redub describe now includes requirements extra libpaths
- Added: Support to dflags as link flags and fixed escaping problem - Fixed: Support for private visibility of dependencies, outputting file names correctly based on target system, linker error are now being checked earlier
- Refactor: Buildapi is being prepared to use private visibility
- Added: Better cross compilation support, now also forwarding linking on msvc to default one when cross compiling. Command filters will now work on the target platform
- Added: Wasm support
- Fixed: Subconfiguration only are not iterated
- Fixed: Always merging sourcePaths into importPaths. finish implementation now only will traverse unvisited nodes - Fixed: Now elements with subConfigurations which aren't default are the first to be parsed - Fixed: Using Breadth First Search and mixing subConfigurations for better subConfiguration resolution
- Added: Architecture support
- Added: More documentation to redub
- Fixed: Now, when rebuilding, redub will remove existing binaries, since this was causing some problems with existing binaries - Added: D Compiler abstraction for command generator. Also using more performatic versions of map (faster dependency resolution)
- Fixed: Redub environment support
- Added: Dub describe support, fixed problem on environment variables

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