Thank you for letting me post here to this group...just an FYI for 
those that might be interested in this digital mode event..thanks.
de kb9umt Don

EU 30 Meter Digital Weekend Event

When: January 19th 2400 utc to January 20th 2400 utc
      2 days of digital fun, ragchew and DX on 30 Meters, all
      day or when you can.
(NOTE: When 30m is in decent shape please note for NA band has been
open to EU from 1900 to 2300utc for ZL/VK open to EU has been open
from 1200 to 1700 utc.appx times of course depending on band

Where: 30 meter Band 10.135 to 10.145 MHZ

Modes: Mainly PSK31 10.140 +/- 1000
BUT all digital modes welcomed including

Objective: For Amateurs Worldwide to make contact with EU Stations to
promote and increase digital mode activity on 30 Meters.

This is not a contest but a casual event in promoting 30 Meter Digital
activity in conjunction with the 30 Meter DigitalGroup:

Contact: Graham m5aav [EMAIL PROTECTED]

***Please note logs do not have to be sent because this event is to
promote 30m digital activity. We would appreciate though if you have
time to just give a count of stations worked and email to the above
addresses so that a report of the weekend activity can be produced.

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