OK, I did it.  No, I have not become a Pactor III BBS  but I have set
up a 24/7 WINMOR Winlink 2000 server  station.... with busy detect
active at the server end preventing my response to a connect request
if the frequency is busy..  This station will use 500 Hz Winmor.  The
first couple of stations connecting to the server (K3UK-5) all passed
traffic to the CMS server OK.    I need to study frequencies more and
make sure that I eventually choose frequencies that make sense  .
During the next few days I will test on

 0500  to 1400 on USB 3584.5 (dial 3583).
1400-1600  USB 7084.8 (dial 7083.3)
1600-0100 USB 28125 dial
2100-0500  USB 7084.8 (dial 7083.3)

10M is NOT a mistake.  There are no servers on 10M and I hope to test
this out some more.  I may also try 6M.

To use the server, you need RMS express software, which is free.  You
also need a soundcard  (and radio!)

I've tried PSKmail , ALE400, and 300 baud packet Pbbs over the past
few months.  PSKMAIL is VERY good but the Linux requirement for the
server operations was more than i was willing to mess around with.
So, I will give the WINMOR winlink server a try for the next 90 days
and then evaluate how utilized it is.  This will also give me a great
opportunity to fully study the busy detect features that appear to
work quite well at the moment.

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