---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Colin J Thomson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:30 AM
Subject: [Knightsqrss] A proposal..
To: Knights-List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi "Graphical" Knights..

A proposal.. although a little too late now I think.

With the ever increasing QRO IE 500mW and up WSPR signals (most seem to be
5W!! or more in the EU) on 30m, what I would like to see is the section from
10140.100-200 to be ***QRP something like a max of 200mW or maybe less***
above 10.140,200 they can run what they like.

The reason being it just wrecks grabbing the few graphical stations who are
still QRV between 10.140.0-100.
Even with my very very narrow CW Xtal filters and DSP599++ filter it is, most
of the time hopeless and weekends it is a waste of time grabbing during the
day.. Just have to look at the grabbers on the compendium sites... maybe
that's why a lot are QRT ??

I am also saddened to see even more EU WSPR signals (In OUR section) between
10.140.000-100, this morning being a classic case with one being on ~10140.000
another on 085 and one on ~110 who has peaked S6!!

Maybe someone could be FWD'd to the relevant WSPR sites/groups..

73 G6AVK - JO01ho


Hi Colin,

I feel your pain too!
Some of the WSPR stations are running 50 or even 100 watts and seem
oblivious to the purpose of QPR WSPR! Also a few have terrible
stability! I have notified a few ops over here and they did change
frequency at least. I think that some rigs won't allow power out below
about 5 watts which is way too much power!

73 Larry WB3ANQ

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