Recently, I had my first narrow SSTV contact with WB8ROL. I saw the 
signal and guessed that was what it was and brought up MMSSTV. I had 
earlier tried sending some CQ's but finally determined that the mode I 
needed was the N mode. Need to stress that to those who are planning to 
use these modes to get the correct one since there is a MP-73 and an 

Question: what other modes are there in MMSSTV that will work in the 
narrow 500 Hz bandwidth? I understand that they are not as fast but may 
have more detail?

I normally don't have much interest in analog digital because of the 
poor quality images since just one hit can really mess up a picture, but 
maybe there are only analog narrow modes? Or are there digital ones as well?

Now the most confusing thing is how do you handle text data vs the image 
data? If you call CQ with the image only and you contact another station 
using the same mode, what do you do after the initial exchange of images?

Or is it possible to do it the other way and be text chatting with 
someone and then be able to send an image? How do you do this gracefully?


Rick, KV9U

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