--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew O'Brien"
> I know propagation is not great (SF 70  A:6  K:2)  but we have had
> worse lately.  I am not hearing much at all for the TARA Skirmish, try
> CQing PSK63 and Olivia on 40M last night and this morning, NO takers
> at all (25 watts here).  Hardly anything on 20M today, not a whole lot
> on PSK31  either.

Oh, I forgot that 20th Century mode, what's it called... hmmm, yes
that's it RTTY.  Seems that mode is active , I just forgot to check
the usual RTTY frequencies.  Just saw a complaint that in Europe
currently, 20M digital band is  "crowded with RTTY in TARA Contest". 
So, that is good news, there is some activity.

RTTY now chirping away in my shack, "CQ CQ TARA TEST YV5AAX"....
worked him first try , so band IS open (20M), just not many PSKer's
awake yet.

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