I'd be very interested in this. But it seems like one helluva lot of work, 
to enable people to customise their Group model.

I think in general, there are two reasons why one want to use a swappable 
model in this case:

- To create nested relationships with e.g. mptt.
- To add a field or two onto the model.

Couldn't these two use cases be better solved by simply updating the 
existing Group model:
- Add a `meta` JSONField (now generically included in Django, not just 
postgres anymore) so people can hang extra metadata in there if required
- Add mptt right in there so that groups can be added to other groups?

We could carve code out from django-groups-manager to achive this 
straightforwardly, but it introduces mptt as a dependency of a contrib app.

What do you think, @John? Is this likely to be accepted into Django?

On Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 12:31:59 PM UTC+1, John D'Ambrosio wrote:
> I believe this change is merited and I would be happy to help if others 
> are interested in working this.  I have actually monkey-patched it a few 
> times now for two reasons:
> a) I want more data fields on the group itself, or
> b) I want to implement nested groups
> MPTT's docs suggest one approach which is gross (no offense) because it 
> creates migrations in a contrib app!
> https://django-mptt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models.html?highlight=group#registration-of-existing-models
> The nested group concept has the added concern of the PermissionsMixin 
> leveraging a few helper functions which are defined outside of the class 
> and not easily swappable themselves.  Maybe if we proceed on this we tackle 
> it in two phases.  In the first, we can align all of the pieces to make it 
> more easily swappable.  In the second, we can introduce the swap.  We 
> definitely will want to avoid some of the pitfalls of AbstractUser and 
> UserManager where one is unable to import varying degrees of scaffolding 
> without invoking the concrete pieces we are not using.
> I agree with Tim that the swappable model approach is less than ideal and 
> not well-documented for transitions, but maybe those of us who've done it 
> can submit some detailed guides with some concrete steps of how to swap out 
> the table namespaces and retire the old models retroactively, as well as 
> the usual (maybe even stronger) encouragement to pull in the models to your 
> core app up-front?  Could even have startproject do it for you in the 
> future... maybe recommend an "accounts" app or something?
> Anyway, happy to help.  Please let me know if there is interest in 
> proceeding.
> On Friday, August 31, 2018 at 4:28:30 PM UTC-4, 程SN wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> the information is not enough for my company in 
>> django.contrib.auth.models.Usre and django.contrib.auth.models.Group. So I 
>> custom User and Team model.
>> the auth User can be changed in the django settings by AUTH_USER_MODEL. 
>> But the Group cannot.
>> Further, There are many group permissions problem presented when I use 
>> django permissions. 
>> Firstly, I cannot use django.contrib.auth.ModelBackend directly.
>> in django.contrib.auth.ModelBackend,  Django currently bind group 
>> permissions with  django.contrib.auth.models.Group
>>     def _get_group_permissions(self, user_obj):
>>         user_groups_field = get_user_model()._meta.get_field('groups')
>>         user_groups_query = 'group
>> __%s' % user_groups_field.related_query_name()
>>         return Permission.objects.filter(**{user_groups_query: user_obj})
>> Why the group cannot be changed in the settings like AUTH_USER_MODEL ?  
>> Can Djano support AUTH_GROUP_MODEL in the further release?
>> So I have to custom backend that extend django.contrib.auth.ModelBackend 
>> and modify group to my team.
>> But I find the other problem  in my further developing.  The bad design 
>>  limit the other app design.
>> Many app about django permission , only  support group permission based 
>> on django.contrib.auth.models.Group, like django-guardian
>> It's too bad.  Please support AUTH_GROUP_MODEL
>> ------------------------------
>> Regards,
>> damoncheng

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