
I need help figuring out how to use foreign keys with tasty pie. 

I'm trying to add a simple json feed to populate a map with points but 
don't understand how to pull all of the related records in.

I have two models, one for houses and one for inspection reports. I want 
the json feed to list all of the inspection reports related to the house. 

I've been following the example in the Tasty Pie documentation but not 
having any luck: 


from django.db import models 
class HouseInformation(models.Model): 
    house_name = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) 
    house_type = models.CharField(max_length=40) 
    address = models.CharField(max_length=200) 
    latitude = models.CharField(max_length=200) 
    longitude = models.CharField(max_length=200) 

    class Meta: 
        ordering = ['house_name'] 

    def __unicode__(self): 
        return self.house_name + ', ' + self.house_type + ', ' + 

class InspectionReport(models.Model): 
    house_name = models.ForeignKey(HouseInformation, to_field='house_name') 
    pass_inspection = models.NullBooleanField() 
    inspection_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) 
    inspection_violations = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) 
    file_name = models.CharField(max_length=40, default='none')


from tastypie.resources import ModelResource 
from tastypie import fields 
from housing.models import HouseInformation, InspectionReport 

class HouseAPI(ModelResource): 
    house = fields.ToManyField('housing.api.InspectionReport', 
'inspectionreport_set', related_name='report') 

    class Meta: 
        queryset = HouseInformation.objects.all() 
        resource_name = 'house_inspections' 

class InspectionReportAPI(ModelResource): 
    report = fields.ToOneField(HouseAPI, 'house_inspections') 
    class Meta: 
        queryset = InspectionReport.objects.all() 
        resource_name = 'report'

    "error_message": "'Options' object has no attribute 'api_name'",
    "traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n\n  File 
line 201, in wrapper\n    response = callback(request, *args, **kwargs)\n\n 
line 432, in dispatch_list\n    return self.dispatch('list', request, 
**kwargs)\n\n  File 
line 464, in dispatch\n    response = method(request, **kwargs)\n\n  File 
line 1299, in get_list\n    bundles.append(self.full_dehydrate(bundle, 
for_list=True))\n\n  File 
line 854, in full_dehydrate\n    bundle.data[field_name] = 
field_object.dehydrate(bundle, for_list=for_list)\n\n  File 
line 820, in dehydrate\n    m2m_resource = 
self.get_related_resource(m2m)\n\n  File 
line 515, in get_related_resource\n    if related_resource._meta.api_name 
is None:\n\nAttributeError: 'Options' object has no attribute 'api_name'\n"

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