Hi eveyone,
  I am having issues with list_editable and raw_id_fields. I am adding one 
field to both attributes like this

lass LocationDataReview(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('country', 'state', 'city', 'area','location')
    list_editable = ('location',)
    raw_id_fields = ("location", )
    list_per_page = 30
    ordering = ['country', 'state', 'city', 'area']

And it displays correctly, there's a lookup widget in the list, but when I 
click on it it takes me to the change page instead of the search pop up for 
the related field.

I am using django 1.8.2 for some time now so it shouldn't be a cache issue 
(as I read some people said). I have anyway cleared the cache just in case.

I see this in the page source

<td class="field-location nowrap"><input class="vForeignKeyRawIdAdminField" 
id="id_form-0-location" name="form-0-location" type="text"><a 
href="/admin/general/location/?_to_field=id" class="related-lookup" 
id="lookup_id_form-0-location" title="Lookup"></a></td>

and I see the RelatedObjectLookup.js is loaded. But it just takes me to the 
change page anyway.

Any ideas?

Also, I just need the *location *field to select from a catalog, and fill 
in the rest of the fields (country, state etc), but I don't really need the 
location foreign key in my model. Is there any way to avoid it and still 
show it in the admin list page? For what I have seen the only way I have to 
do that is to just create my own views and add that url to the admin site. 
I tried using a custom form for the list and add the extra field but it 
didn't work out, the extra field just does not get displayed.

Thanks for your help!


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