
I'm currently developing a DSpace-7.2 platform for medieval charters and facing an issue with the OAI-PMH interface. I think the same issue has once been reported as a bug (https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/issues/8332), but marked as "cannot reproduce". If I open the OAI-interface under [dspace.server.url]/oai, the links to - for example - "Identify" is redirected to [dspace.server.url]/request?verb=Identify. The OAI-page also doesn't have a layout, because it can't find the necessary files like "bootstrap.min.css", "style.css" and so on. The browser console shows a 404 Error. I think, there is a problem with the oai-url, but I can't find it. I've installed DSpace on a Debian bullseye Server with JDK-11 and using a postgres database.
Does anyone know this error?

Thanks and kind regards,

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