Hi all,

  I've just uploaded docker images for dumux-2.12 based on archlinux in the
docker hub repository https://hub.docker.com/r/impmx/dumux-2.12. Later I
will be uploading an image with an example on how to work an example by
means of python script, which I have now fully tested.

In the full description of the impmx/docker-2.12 you will find the script
with which to fire the containers. Sandboxed users should use the tag
latest or user, while modifications to the system should be done with the
root tag. Docker files to create the images are also included in
/usr/local/src for reference.

BTW, Timo, I've tested the paraview in the dumux/release-2.12 image on an
Ubuntu12.04 box, and the initial window opens, but on mouse action the
application crashes. I suppose it is because paraview wants to access the
video card directly and this is different on different boxes. Anyways, we
prefer to run paraview after the simulation is done on the host machine,
and that is where the shared directory comes into play.

best regards,


Dr. Edscott Wilson Garcia
Reservoir Engineering
Mexican Petroleum Institute
Dumux mailing list

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