KOKOLOPORI, Democratic Republic of Congo

We are offering a PhD position working on the ecological background of
common home range use between neighbouring communities in wild bonobos. The
position will start on August 1, 2016, (or a.s.a.p. afterwards) and will
require to stay at least a year at the Kokolopori Bonobo Research Project, DRC. 

Our general interest is to understand the ecological background facilitating
potentially peaceful intergroup relationships. We are combining phenological
data on forest composition and productivity with behavioural and
endocrinological data from two neighbouring bonobo communities on feeding
and ranging patterns to understand what influences the extend of home range
overlap. Some data are collected the same way as at another bonobo field
site, LuiKotale, to allow for site comparison.

Qualification and requirements
A good MSc (or comparable degree) in Biology or Evolutionary Anthropology.
Good knowledge in evolutionary biology, animal behavior and ecology are
crucial for a successful application. Previous experience in botanical data
collection or detailed behavioural data collection on wild mammals is of
advantage. The PhD candidate will need to work independently in a remote and
physically demanding tropical forest habitat. Good social skills are
important to work and live amongst a group of people with different cultural
The successful candidate is fluent in English and speaks also basic French.
Previous experience with field work will be beneficial to the application.

Salary / funding
The PhD candidate will be supported by a MPI EVA contract/stipend of
employment for doctoral students. In addition the successful candidate will
write a research proposal to apply for grant money.

Start and term of appointment
Starting August 2016, or as soon as possible afterwards, the successful
applicant will firstly visit shortly the bonobo fieldsite LuiKotale to
become familiar with their data collection procedure. In 2017 the candidate
will be located for around a year at the bonobo research camp in Kokolopori.
Tenure of the position is three years (+ one possible year extension).

Applications include a cover letter stating research experience and field
experience, a detailed curriculum vitae, a short research proposal in the
realm of bonobo sociality and the names and e-mail addresses of three
referees. The application documents should be sent electronically to The evaluation of applications will start on June 20,
2016, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Contact information
Dr. Martin Surbeck
MPI EVA, Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
+49 341 3550 202 

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