Hi Ecolog,

our lab is in the market for a new volumetric soil moisture measurement
system. We need something that can take repeated point measurements and are
particularly interested in finding a sensor that will be robust and
durable, as though we are careful with insertions we do occasionally have
to work with somewhat coarse/pebbly soils.

For many years we have been using Decagon Pro Check readers with either a
Decagon GS3 or Onset EC-5 sensor, but over the years have found that these
sensors tend to fail rather quickly (e.g. in less than 2 seasons of use).
As two sensors in the lab recently failed at the same time, we're trying to
crowdsource information on other options. We were going to simply replace
the GS3 with Decagon's so-called "ruggedized" version of this sensor, the
GS1—but after consulting with a salesperson about our use case, it appears
that the company itself does not actually recommend any of its sensors for
point measurements, and says they are most accurate and reliable only when
used in long-term installations.

We are currently considering two options: Dynamax's SM150:
http://dynamax.com/products/soil-moisture/sm150-soil-moisture-sensor and
Campbell's Hydrosense II: https://www.campbellsci.com/hs2. Does anyone have
experience with these sensors? If so, do you consider them to be reliable
for repeated point measurements? We would also love suggestions or advice
about other volumetric soil moisture sensors you have used for ecological

Thanks so much!

Meera Lee Sethi
PhD candidate, University of Washington
Hille Ris Lambers Lab
<https://faculty.washington.edu/jhrl/Index.html>, Department
of Biology
Office: Kincaid 442 | Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800

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