The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

      Package                (co)maintainers         Status Change 
electronics-menu       orphan, chitlesh              14 weeks ago  
faience-icon-theme     orphan                        2 weeks ago   
gfal2-plugin-xrootd    orphan, aalvarez, adev        9 weeks ago   
gtk-unico-engine       orphan                        2 weeks ago   
mate-applet-lockkeys   orphan                        2 weeks ago   
passenger              orphan                        10 weeks ago  
shorewall              orphan, digimer, jgu, orion   0 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: faience-icon-theme (1), status change: 2015-12-29 (2 weeks ago)
        mate-themes-extras (maintained by: raveit65)
                mate-themes-extras-3.8.4-2.el7.noarch requires 
faience-icon-theme = 0.5-4.el7

Depending on: shorewall (1), status change: 2016-01-06 (0 weeks ago)
        fail2ban (maintained by: orion, athmane, atkac)
                fail2ban-shorewall-0.9.3-1.el7.noarch requires shorewall =

Affected (co)maintainers
aalvarez: gfal2-plugin-xrootd
adev: gfal2-plugin-xrootd
athmane: shorewall
atkac: shorewall
chitlesh: electronics-menu
digimer: shorewall
jgu: shorewall
orion: shorewall
raveit65: faience-icon-theme

Orphans (7): electronics-menu faience-icon-theme gfal2-plugin-xrootd
    gtk-unico-engine mate-applet-lockkeys passenger shorewall

Orphans (dependend on) (2): faience-icon-theme shorewall

Orphans (epel7) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (0):

Orphans  (epel7)(not depended on) (5): electronics-menu
    gfal2-plugin-xrootd gtk-unico-engine mate-applet-lockkeys

Orphans (epel7) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (3):
    electronics-menu gfal2-plugin-xrootd passenger

Depending packages (epel7) (2): fail2ban mate-themes-extras

Packages depending on packages orphaned (epel7) for more than 6 weeks

Not found in repo (epel7) (1): passenger

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
epel-devel mailing list

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